

This area doesn't contain a full distribution of UNIX, but it has a bunch of stuff that Dennis Ritchie extracted from some old DECtapes at the labs, dated around 1972. Here are his notes, followed by some of my own comments.

s1-bits: I haven't cracked this yet.

s2-bits: Is not source, but a dump of (parts of) /bin, /etc, /usr/lib, and bits of a few other directories. Caution! The tape uses absolute pathnames, and is dangerous to extract unless you want to install old PDP-11 binaries. (tap format).

s1-bits tape

s1-bits is possibly output from a dump program like 1st Edition rkd(1), where the disk image was written `as is'. rkd(1) used to require nine DECtapes, so s1-bits may be one of the middle ones. Although there is substantial C and asm code on the tape (use strings(1) to see it), I can't find filenames ending in .c or .s. This seems to imply that the directory entries for the files are elsewhere, making it impossible to recover the contents. However, it is possible to manually extract files, such as the old cp.c source file.

After a bit of manual eyeballing, I've extracted what I can from this file, and have created a set of file fragments which you can browse.

s2-bits tape

Most of the files on the s2-bits tape are binaries, and so are not browsable here. They were mainly executable programs from a period in time between the release of 1st Edition and 2nd Edition UNIX.