
Find at most related files.
including files from this version of Unix.

			    Details of Fragments

The tar archive you have unpacked, s1-fragments.tar, contains the contiguous
sections from s1-bits which contain code fragments. I have manually inspected
the block boundaries from s1-bits to create the actual fragments. I have
broken runs of ASCII blocks where it was obvious that the adjacent blocks
belonged to different files.

It is likely that some fragments contain whole files, with some garbage
attached on the end, such as frag1 (glob.c) and frag54 (cp.c). I have not
sat down and checked each file.

Below is the list of fragments, plus some comments gleaned from each file
as to its contents.

	Warren Toomey, wkt@cs.adfa.edu.au, January 2000

frag0	Asm, starts with dska as an operand
frag1	glob.c --  global command
frag2	init.s -- process control initialization
frag3	ldx.s -- link editor
frag4	ld2.s -- link editor
frag5	df.s -- find free space
frag6	dusg.s -- summarize disk usage
frag7	fc.c -- fortran command 
frag8	fstrip.s -- remove fortran internal symbols
frag9	Asm, starts with f'n allocate (here to allocate a new block)
frag10	colon.s -- do nothing
frag11	acct.s -- time accounting
frag12	Asm, starts with .globl getchar, fns length, position, getword
frag13	bas1.s -- compile
frag14	bas0.s -- basic
frag15	getty.s --  get name and tty mode
frag16	ld1.s -- link editor
frag17	Asm, routine div3 to divide the two centennial numbers
frag18	Asm, routine add3 to add the two centennial numbers
frag19	ls.s -- list file or directory
frag20	login.s --  enter new user
frag21	date.s -- get/set date
frag22	as9.s -- PDP-11 assembler pass 2
frag23	cmp.s -- compare files
frag24	as8.s -- PDP-11 assembler pass 2
frag25	cat.s -- concatinate files
frag26	dsw.s - delete from tty
frag27	a7.s -- pdp-11 assembler
frag28	ln.s -- link command
frag29	a6.s -- pdp-11 assembler pass 2
frag30	chown.s -- change owner
frag31	as25.s --part of as?, says it is empty
frag32	ar.s -- archive/library
frag33	a4.s -- pdp-11 assembler pass 2
frag34	a3.s -- pdp-11 assembler pass 2
frag35	a2.s -- pdp-11 assembler pass 2
frag36	a21.s -- pdp-11 assembler pass 2 
frag37	a9.s -- pdp-11 assembler pass 1
frag38	a8.s -- pdp-11 assembler pass 1
frag39	a7.s -- pdp-11 assembler pass 1
frag40	a6.s -- pdp-11 assembler pass 1
frag41	a5.s -- pdp-11 assembler pass 1
frag42	db4.s -- debugger
frag43	db3.s -- debugger
frag44	db2.s -- debugger
frag45	a4.s -- pdp-11 assembler pass1
frag46	a3.s -- pdp-11 assembler pass 1
frag47	a2.s -- pdp-11 assembler pass 1
frag48	a1.s -- pdp-11 assembler pass 1
frag49	db1.s -- debugger
frag50	chmod.s - change mode
frag51	if.c -- if command
frag52	cc.c -- C command
frag53	Asm, part of form letter form.s, starts with testing = 0
frag54	cp.c -- copy command
frag55	Asm, starts with lots of globals, e.g .globl b1
frag56	Asm, starts with lots of globals, e.g .globl b1, see also frag9
frag57	C code, starts with int	offset	0;
frag58	Asm, starts with scan f'n and /	scan
frag59	Asm, starts with esub f'n and /	esub
frag60	Asm, starts with accept f'n and rti = 2
frag61	Asm, command interpreter for form letter editor, starts with testing = 0
frag62	Asm, remove a file from memory, starts with :	</bin/ed\0>
frag63	C, /* exit -- end runcom */
frag64	C code, no idea, starts with char b[242];
frag65	Asm, no idea, starts with rti = 2
frag66	Asm, no idea, starts with :
frag67	Asm, no idea, starts with br	1b
frag68	No idea, starts with tc/init
frag69	No idea, starts with seek error

Also in s1-bits are some 0405-magic a.out files. Below is their offsets
in decimal and the files' contents.

33792 - 34208	/etc/init, same as on s2-bits file
34816 - 35344	/etc/getty, same as on s2-bits file
36864 - 37904	/bin/date, same as on s2-bits file
38400 - 39808	/bin/login, same as on s2-bits file
40448 - 40976	Possibly /bin/su
41472 - 43408	Possibly /bin/tap