
Find at most related files.
including files from this version of Unix.

.pl 12i
.ll 85
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	@@@@@	@@@@@@	@    @	  @@	@@@@@	@@@@@@
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Miscellaneous comments and suggestions.
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This is a collection of last minute
comments and suggestions which MAY make your
life easy when evaluating this distribution.
Some others have discovered the following problems
from other distributions of ours.
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There is a new C-compiler (level-7 compatible !!),
and with it goes a new archiver (arcv will convert old format to new),
new ld and new as.
The compiler, assembler and linker are very closely related
and as such great care will be needed when incorporating them.
The new 'C' compiler will not compile under older versions.
Binaries of cc, c0, c1, c2, as, as2, ar and ld
are contained in bin.
Not all command files that build libraries
define the sequence of a.outs in the library - see
bin for all our libraries.
If a major adoption of this distribution is made
then use of our libraries is recommended - or at least
the complete remaking of your libraries with the new
as and cc.
The directory usr/include contains miscellaneous .h
files used by some programs in usr/source/S.
Some of the programs in S which now depend on AUSAM
will not function under non-AUSAM systems !!.
The UNSW-PWB shell supports 'echoall' and 'echonone' for
control of the listing of shell commands,
most command files we have use these - just delete
them and ...
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