
Find at most related files.
including files from this version of Unix.

.tr ~ 
.de H
.in 0
.ll 85
.pl 12i
.lt \n(.lu
.ta 8,16,24,32,40,48,56,64,72,80
.de HD
'sp 2
.tl 'UNSW system''\\*t'
'sp 2
.de FO
.wh 0 HD
.wh -4 FO
.sp 2
.sp 2
.sp 3
All modifications to UNIX have been made
with  #IFDEFs etc ..
This method is not entirely satisfactory
but it has worked reasonably successfully in the past.
It is only
now that the level of changes has reached a point
where this technique is
.sp 1
One program that has been an invaluable aid
to our system development work has been SYSDUMP
- a system core dump analyser.
The code for dump
in m??.s has been expanded so that dumps may be taken to
RK05 and TU16.
SYSDUMP has lots of options that enable
a very quick diagnosis of dump to be made.
.sp 1
Below appears a summary of the major system changes
made.  The names in bold indicate the name by which the modification
is known.
.sp 2
.H "_1170
Includes code specific to 70 cpu's,
such as UNIBUS MAP etc.
Use an m70.s which handles floating point properly,
handles an 11/70 cpu as an 11/70 cpu - that is to
say uses the ERROR registers etc...  properly.
1170 memory parity is fully supported
so that the system only panics when
there is no alternative.
Enable code for Unibus Map.
You need this only if you have Unibus devices on your 11/70.
.H "_1145
Includes stuff specific to 45 cpu's.
Use an m45.s which handles floating point properly.
.H "_1140
Includes stuff specific to 40 cpu's.
FP11-b or FP11-c installed.
Include code for newer type controllers
e.g. RJP04 on RH70 or RP04 on RH11.
rk type controllers on system !!
If you don't have a programmable clock will
save some code ...
New special a.out magic number 0412 signifies shared data
segment (r/w text area).  Must be swapped out on last use,
not just abandoned.
\&'x_spid' and word 6 of A.OUT header contain shared data
identification field the inode pointer is not good enough (not unique),
since shared data segments are shared between any number
of co-operating processes.
Initially implemented to support UNSW batch system.
P and V system calls implemented to allow process
synchronization.  LKED does the linking needed for
creation of 412 a.outs.
Several variables in the proc structure are used to store
post-mortem information about processes.  This avoids the swap
out & in of previous version for exit & wait.  Process
terminations (exit&wait) go substantially faster.
Alternative process structure pz_* contains definition of
process area for dead processes.  A few of the scheduling
routines have been altered so that no attempts are made
to alter the process area of 'dead'ns'.
/etc/init (process one) only woken up when required.
Previously every process termination in the system woke
the init process. This is only necessary if the parent
of the dying process is already dead.
The whole thing re-written using a single scan of the
proc array (up to 4 previously). MORE efficient.
Now the code is understandable.
User area variables 'u.u_cpusec' and 'u.u_tix' contain
seconds and clock ticks left before CPU time limit expiry.
A signal SIGCPULT is generated when
cpusec becomes zero.  A process with a limit of zero is
not restricted - this is the normal state.
New system call "clktim" is implemented.
Allows user to request a signal SIGTIMEOUT in 'n' seconds(real)
\&'n' is passed in r0. If p_rtl is non-zero then a real
time limit has been set. When a limit has been set
the clock interrupt routine decrements p_rtl once a second
until zero when the signal is sent. This involves little extra
cost to the system as the whole proc array is scanned each
second anyway. Main cost is extra word in process table entry.
Returns system proc array to user. Returns also the number of
process slots.
PS modified to use this - makes PS go faster
Shrink process to USIZE on entry to exit.
Update() always updates the time on root file system super block.
After booting time more likely to be correct.  Also allows
knowledge of when a system crashed to within 30 seconds etc..
Omitting to set date at BOOT of system less likely
to cause havoc with incremental dumps etc..
Implement entry point address as described in programmers
This mod is a means of expanding the available addressing
space for the resident operating system on pdp-11/40 style
memory-management UNIX systems. A new linker 'sysld' is
used to generate such a system - A sysld command file specifies
the division of the resident system into _s_e_g_m_e_n_t_s, one of
which, the _r_o_o_t segment, is always addressable using
segmentation pages 0 through 4. All the other segments
share page 5, and are addressable only when running. Page
6, as is usual, is reserved for the _U-table addressing, and
page 7 for the I/O page.
Utilize 'u.u_heap' (between u and stack) as scratch area for erase and delete
processing.  Eliminates canonb[] from systm.h.
New timeout function utilises blocks off the clist
for increased efficiency.
Also allows cancellation of the effect of a previous call
to timeout.
Allow 16 byte or larger cblocks. PUTC,GETC re-written to be 15% faster,
as well as being parametric.
Allows the use of full 8 bit data
on tty lines iff RAW flag set
and other flags except HUPCL are reset.
Provides suitable water marks for high speed terminals.
You will need to check clist capacity.
Allows tty.c to drive DIABLO type terminals
at high baud rates ( >= 1200 )
Implement stack limit register.
It is better to catch stack overflows as soon as possible - 
working out what's happened otherwise is a little difficult.
Enable smdate from level 6 system distribution.
This call was originally commented out because of
problems with incremental dumps - pseudo old
files not dumped.  Smdate as implemented
now only allows super-user to modify the access date
hopefully super users know what they are doing.
It's very useful for restoring from dumps.
Sleep system calls now do unique sleeps thus 
avoiding thrashing on wakeups of TOUT.
Each proc entry has one additional word p_stl
which when non-zero indicates that a sleep is in progress.
Once a second the clock interrupt routine decrements this
count; when it reaches zero the process is woken up.  This involves
little extra overhead as the proc array is already scanned
once a second for other purposes.
Normally this change only in effect when BIG_UNIX is in effect
however there exists no reason why ONCE can not be used without
BIG_UNIX.  main.c renamed once.c.  The initialization routines
cinit,binit,iinit are moved to once.c from tty.c,bio.c and
alloc.c respectively by this change.  Also estabur,nseg,sureg
are moved from once.c to slp.c.  Buffer allocation(declaration)
is moved to c.c (in conf).
This is 'normally' used with BIG_UNIX because BIG_UNIX allows
once only code to be discarded after initialization of the system!!
When system panics, print out contents
of 11/70 CPU error registers.
Introduce means of gathering statistics of memory
and swap space allocation under unix.
Statistics gathered from this change instigated the
In order to improve system performance allocate 'NRAWBUFS'
buffer headers - these headers to be used for swapping and
general raw i/o. Instead of using 'swbuf' for all swap
i/o in the system, allocate from the raw buffer pool.
If 'physio' is passed a null buffer pointer then
it will allocate a buffer for the i/o and free it on completion
of the i/o.  Current raw i/o interfaces then do not have to be
altered unless desired.  The main benefit to these interfaces
will be that on multiple devices overlapped seeks will
be possible, also ordered queueing of raw
i/o requests can be done (assuming a clever driver).
Improves swapping.  'NRAWBUFS' should be 2 greater
than the expected number of simultaneous raw i/o operations
to prevent lockout of swap i/o.
Change to canon to allow erases to delete kills.
In the process rewrote it to be more
deterministic (and better).
Handles \ erase-char properly, ie. doesn't assume '#' & '@'.
For byte-pinchers this change costs 44 bytes.
This alteration drastically reduces the number of swaps
undertaken by UNIX. For example on one 11/70 swapping
was reduced by about 85%
(NOT every one can expect this improvement).
When attaching to a shared text segment that was not
already core resident the following procedure was
.in +7
.ti -3
1. If in swap space goto 6
.ti -3
2. Expand process size to enable read of
text from the a.out.
.ti -3
3. Read text segment.
.ti -3
4. Allocate swap space for text segment
and swap the segment out
.ti -3
5. Expand process size to USIZE.
.ti -3
6. Swap out process!!
.ti -3
7. Call sched.
.sp 1
.in -7
When the process is swapped back in to core
all will magically be taken care of.
This is a little inefficient to say the least and
47 % of all swaps counted were for 1024 bytes.
.sp 1
The new scheme:
.in +7
.ti -3
1. if in swap space goto 6
.ti -3
2. Expand process size to enable read of
text from the a.out.
.ti -3
3. Read text segment.
.ti -3
4. Separate User Per Process area and text Segment
and install text segment in core. Mark it as not yet
.ti -3
5. Continue execution of process
.ti -3
6. If text will fit in core, swap it in.
.ti -3
7. Else swap process out and wait for scheduler.
.ti -3
8. Continue execution of process.
.sp 1
.in -7
When a sticky bit process exits or re-execs then establish text area
in swap space if it has not already been done.
.sp 1
Note that only if required will the shared text segment now
be swapped. It is now possible to run a shared
text program that will cause no swapping if
the program is not "sticky bit"ed.
AND all this only costs 98 bytes...
Allow proper handling of write-behind blocks
on freelist. Put at head of free queue those blocks
that have to be written.
Allows > 127 references to a file structure,
up to maximum of 255 with ENREF error if exceeded.
Previously this condition would cause catastrophic
Change putchar to allow system program "errlogger"
to record "printf" messages instead of console.
Implements device "/dev/errlog".
See s1/errlog.c for error logger code.
Change putchar to use tty driver for non-panic
Handle inverted case terminals.
Yes - they exist!
Since most programs ignore errors on write,
attempt to be a little less enthusiastic
with "no space" messages. The change is a
call to sleep on "lbolt", the effect is to
slow up programs doing repeated write calls
after no space error.
This includes code implementing the routine "uprints"
which will print a system message on the tty
associated with the current process.
This includes code implementing the routine "delay"
which will delay the caller for a period using a
"timeout - sleep - wakeup" sequence.
Keep track of which slot in the proc table is the last one
in use, and when searching the proc table only go up to maxproc
rather than &proc[NPROC].  This does speed things up a little.
Ken Thompson is reported to have found that the
system spends much of its time scanning the proc array.
For example ps is now many times faster; less to transfer, less to scan.
For example consider a system with NPROC=200 and 5 active processes
ZOMBIE defined - WITHOUT MAX_PROC time for executing wait was 1.18ms
- WITH MAX_PROC time for executing wait was 0.34ms - thus the benefits
are obvious in those parts of the system that search the proc table.
NOTE: time == elapsed time == user time + system time.
These values obtained on AGSM's 11/70
Enable code to keep proc high water mark in high_proc.
Incore inode structures are allocated on an LRU basis, and
if a requested Inode is still in core, it is not read in
again. This dramatically speeds up pathname
searches, which do an awful lot of iget's and iput's.
Introduce "p_ignsig" - a sixteen bit boolean array
in which "true" means that the correspondingly
numbered signal is being ignored. Basically this
stops swaps for ignored signals.
For 11/40s enable parity checking if it exists (once.c).
In trap.c report all memory parity errors, if user mode
then SIGMEMPAR the process.
If defined all singing all dancing powerfail recovery.
Problems with DEC hardware means this is not fully tested - it works
some of the time.
Other times disks and processor go into strange states not described in
the processor handbook.
Implement new system call "sdelay" for sleeping for a number of ticks.
AUSAML  - Limit structures
limits system call.
AUSAM16 - change to support 16 bit user id's &
proc limits.
SEE separate documentation attached.
Enables the locking and unlocking of files to ensure safe
read/write accesses on a "n-reader, one writer" basis.
One new system call (no 56.) - see man2/locking.2 for details.
Really a fix to allow for more CPU bound
in-core tasks. Where there are likely to be several
of these then original BELL 'SCHMAG' (clock.c) and
the 'PRIORATE' in setpri could lead the scheduler
to select a CPU-bound task first.
SCHMAG ==> clock ticks/second upper limit for I/O bound things.
PRIORATE ==> rate at which cpu-bound priority is dropped.
Changes PUSER to 64, thus allowing a greater diversity
of user priority levels. Coupled with MANY_USERS mod
it provides better scheduling on busy machines.
Make an interesting display in location 70
of count of swtch's in last 8 ticks.
Certain debugging aids inserted to check
for erroneous swaps. We used this to find
the bug in LOWER_TEXT_SWAPS that was independently
found by Peter Colinston (UK users group).
Changes to "swtch" to make it refuse to
schedule processes during a panic.
The first panic is the most important - remember
its message string only.
Support for the logical connection of two tty ports.
(A great assistance for inter-machine communication!)
NEW sys call:
.in +10
mov	master-fd,r0
mov	slave-fd, r1
sys	connect; type; cntrl-char
.in -10
where master-fd and slave-fd are files descriptors associated
with terminal ports (dj-dz-kl).
If type is
.in +15
.ti -5
0    then function is disconnect. Master and slave must be same tty.
.ti -5
1    function is CONNECT (log).
ALL chars received from master or slave tty are
re-directed to the output queue of the other.
.ti -5
2    Function is VIEW.
Master tty monitors receives a copy of all
output (and input) sent to slave. Input at master
is sent to master's input queue.
.ti -5
3    Function is GRAB.
Slave tty is disconnected from system, and
master takes its place. The master appears to be
the slave tty.
.ti -5
4    Function is SHARE.
Similar to VIEW, but input typed at master tty
appears as if typed at slave tty.
.in -15
IF the cntrl-char is received from the master tty
then -
.in +10
1. the connect system call returns to caller.
2. all re-direction of ttys stops.
.in -10
Non-super users restricted to 'TTY_MAXSPD' baud as max
attainable speed.
ONLY super-users may 'stty/gtty' terminals that are
not the controlling tty for the process - stops abuses.
Include code (optionally) in m70.s to return
the system's idea of the time (hh:mm).
Found to be useful for noting times of system crashes,
reporting powerfails that have been recovered from and
parity errors that have not 
caused a panic.
Use KDA5 to page buffers from the buffer pool.
In binit at system startup the buffer pool is
malloc'd and the buffer headers setup to address
them - if UNIBUS_MAP defined then b_xmem & b_addr
contain the unibus address - otherwise
b_xmem & b_addr contain full n-bit address.
This change costs 8Kb from kernal data space (loss of reg)
but does recover the data space previously occupied
by the buffers.
The only hassle is having to load KA5 prior to accessing
a buffer's contents, bswtch (m70.s) will do this given
address of buffer header.
Of course buffers must be only 512 bytes long, so you need the fix in
iget which stops access of word 257. KA5 is set up to reference a page
only 512 bytes long. This has caused no crashes on our system.
Don't allocate new buffers for mounted
super-blocks - mark ordinary buffers with B_MOUNT flag
Main advantage is that when an update happens
buffers need not be allocated to copy super-blocks to disk
but can merely be written in-place !!
Reads to disk block 1 return the real super block, not the one
at the last sync.
df etc... should work better too.
ONLY relevant if UNIBUS_MAP defined.
Allows better allocation of UNIBUS-MAP via
a call to malloc to allocate only as much as is
required for this I/O. Avoids problem with previous
method when used with MAPPED_BUFFERS. This 
allows simultaneous raw I/O's and swaps.
If your buffer pool is sufficiently large (> 352) it
may not be possible to swap a very large process. Tough.
Implement access system call.
Allows access to a file to be checked using the real uid
of a process this is very useful for setuid commands where
a lot of checking (messy) can be replaced by a sinle call
to access.
Allows the taking of an arbitrarily detailed profile of the system.
Can only be done on 11/45 or 11/70, as
the profile is kept in the supervisor mode data space.
A programmable clock is required.
This is basically an attempt to limit "panic - out of swap"
for systems with small swap areas. The method is to prevent
all process creation and process expansion unless there is
at least "maxmem" memory left in the swap-map.
'uprints' is used to notify user of this.
A system call for allowing user programs to
access executive tables.
This is similar to gprocs but more general
and has tighter checking of user's buffer.
This change allows ready-to-run processes to
be linked together (via p_link proc entry).
Time spent in swtch is considerably smaller
if you have a large proc table. Also provides
an improved sched which ages 'easy' core, as
well as allowing separate swapping of text seg
and data.
This mod is used to (greatly) speed searching of the
device list for a particular buffer. The device
lists are coalesced into one large hash table.
The hashing function operates on both the dev and blkno.
New copyseg and clearseg routines.
copyseg and clearseg changed to use kernel register
instead of user, hence 'mov' instructions instead
of (abortionately slow) m[ft]pi instructions.
Uses a circular buffering strategy for pipes. This has two
advantages. Pipes are more likely to be able to accept a write, and
and thus a read call, giving higher transfer rates.
Also, the amount in the pipe is available to fstat, in the
field i_size1. A process may now determine if there is
stuff to read before reading it.
CORRECTIONS to level 6 code.
.sp 1
These are changes that correct errors in the code or make modifications
that we consider necessary. You will need diff to tell the difference
between our code and the original.
The identification 'fixnnn' is probably useless here but...
.sp 3
.H "fix000
These alterations are mainly concerned with
utilizing the facilities of the latest C compiler.
All char * and int * which really were of unsigned type
have been altered.
Register arguments to procedures declared where noted.
All int [2] type whose purpose was to implement 32-bit
arithmetic have been declared long - code altered as required
to cope with new declarations.
Correctly declare pointers. for example if a pointer
is a pointer to an inode structure then declare it thus.
.H "fix001
It has been suggested that 'read ahead'
may cause deadly embraces, so dmr/bio.c
can be modded to stop read ahead if desired.
The problem exists when ever the number of
processes in "breada"  +  the number of processes
in "exec"  +  the number of mounted file systems
exceeds NBUF.
.H "fix002
There appears to be a race condition in swap() whereby
the same priority (PSWP) was used to wait for completion of
i/o and for the buffer. A lower priority now used for
buffer allocation sleep.  See bio.c
.H "fix003
No lower limit to user's priority because of typo.
See sig.c
.H "fix004
Panic calls for all swap errors...
.H "fix006
Chdir sys call could leave free "leaves". (Disk errors)
.in +7
chdir /tmp
mkdir a; chdir a
rmdir /tmp/a
cp /null orphan
chdir /tmp
.in -7
.H "fix007
Get tty.c to echo nl to cr on half duplex terminals
with CRMOD set.
.H "fix008
Fix tty.c not to call device start routine
if timing out.
.H "fix011
Console start up printout "mem =" altered to give available memory in K-bytes.
.H "fix013
Super user can now chdir to
directories which have no search permissions.  (fio.c)
.H "fix014
"lost characters fix".
ttwrite in tty.c - the mod stops ttstart being interrupted
and losing the character it was about to output.
.H "fix015
Make system do T-bit tracing properly.
Rti's are done from all traps except
trace or bpt traps.
.H "fix016
Always output panic messages
even if switches down.
.H "fix017
Ensure b_resid always zero - drivers may not always
do this.
.H "fix018
Prevent SIGINS from overlaying other signals
if simulating floating point.
.H "fix019
Remove spl6() from "sched" while searching proc array.
It is not clear why this was done in the first place,
and its effect of locking out interrupts for several
milliseconds was disastrous for high frequency interrupts.
.H "fix020
Correct code that checks if physical i/o
is wholly within data/stack spaces.
the following should have worked but didn't !!
.in +7
	mov	fd,r0		/ fd is files descriptor
				/ for raw i/o
	sys	read; 64. ; 64.	/ this generated a segmentation
				/ error !! when the size
				/ of text + data == 128.
.in -7
The correction is simplicity itself - merely subtract one
from the sum of 'base+u.u_count'.
.H "fix021
Don't even create 'core' file if this is a setuid
process!! Just test earlier.
.H "fix022
A really triffic bug this one !!
When tabs are being expanded in ttyoutput the
assumption is made that the character queues never fill
- this assumption is FALSE hence infinite loops can occur !!
.H "fix023
Instead of these routines magically knowing about
certain displacements in the user structure define
their addresses and use these indirectly to reference
the desired location...
.H "fix024
p_cpu not being initialized in newproc.
causing new processes to inherit this value
from last process to occupy the proc slot.
.H "fix025
Fixes, etc, from BELL for level 6.
.H "fix026
Avoid locking problems in ialloc & ifree.
Improves search for free inodes (makes it faster).
.H "fix027
Avoid parity errors at start up - use suiword
instead of fuibyte.  Also free all of core in one
hit not in zillions of little chunks.
.H "fix028
Remove special significance of system call 63.
You may now use it for anything. Indirect calls
of indir will now give SIGSYS.
.H "fix029
Chmod system call does not alter modify time - only access time.
This mod could be arguably described
as an enhancement.
.H "fix030
When a block device is closed ensure ALL blocks
from the device are disposed of in a proper manner.
"binval(dev)" added to bio.c so that ALL blocks belonging
to dev are marked with B_INVAL so that "getblk" and
"incore" will not find them if dev re-opened.
"binval" also sets B_AGE so that if block is
later freed it will be place at the top of the free
"closei" will only call device block close routine
iff dev not currently mounted.
"closei" and "sumount" both call "binval" to invalidate
the appropriate blocks.
.in +7
.ti -6
NOTE: after a dev has been umounted it is thus
no longer possible on re-mounting the dev
to get spurious results caused by finding
blocks left over from before the umount.
ditto for close and re-open
.ti -6
NOTE: if you're wondering why this bug has not been
noticed before then you may be comforted by
the knowledge that it was first observed by
us on a MAPPED_BUFFERS system with 128 buffers
- so that natural wastage did not occur
quick enough !!!!!!!
.in -7
.H "fix032
Define 'EOPENFAIL' - return this error when an open
fails on a single use device.
Perror gives a more meaningful diagnostic.
.H "fix033
By popular demand \- if '\\b' is erase character then
echo '\\b',' ','\\b' to make it look pretty.
.H "fix034
Tell system call to return the position in the file
in R0, R1.
.H "fix035
swapdev to be opened just like rootdev.
Important if your disk driver needs an open to init the disks.
.H "fix036
Provide routine fkword(addr) which checks for the existence
of a word in kernel D space. The returned value is 1 if the
word exists, otherwise it is 0.
.H "fix037
Fix routines 'fu' 'fui' 'su' 'sui' word & byte to set
u.u_error to EFAULT on error, so that a value of -1
can be detected.
.H "fix038
A flag IPIPE is added to the inode, which is tested in writei
to determine whether a bawrite or a bdwrite should be done.
As the information in a pipe is quite transitory, and cannot be
recovered in the event of a system crash, a bdwrite removes the
unnecessary IO traffic, and doubles pipe transfer rates.
Also, in readi, if all the data in a pipe block
has been read, there is no need to write it out at all
so turn off the delayed-write bit.
.H "fix039
Check for super user in 'mount' and 'umount'. We don't want
the masses mucking around with our disks.
.H "fix040
Check if a directory becomes greater than 4095 files and return
new error code EDBIG. The fix is required because only i_size1 is
used when searching directories.
.H "fix041
The bug was that if exactly CANBSIZ-1 chars were typed at terminal
and then a CR, reading the tty would return CANBSIZ, and then 0 on
the next read (often resulting in a log off). Given that TTYHOG and
CANBSIZ are so intertwined, CANBSIZ is redefined to be TTYHOG, and
TTYHOG is now TTYHOG-1. CANBSIZ declaration disappears, and the
definition of TTYHOG moves from tty.h to param.h.
.H "fix042
A signal number is not checked for being negative
hence it is possible to use a negative signal number
to cause certain areas (say uid) to be overwritten in
the per process area.
.H "fix043
Change to exec so that a process may only trace another
if it owns it, or is the super-user.  This prevents
misuse of tracing to read core images of programs,
when the normal permissions may not allow this.
It also prevents rewriting shared data areas.
.ds t "DRIVERS
.sp 3
.in +7
.ti -7
cr.c	Card reader driver for UNSW home grown buffered reader.
.ti -7
crd.c	Driver for standard DEC CR11 card reader.
.ti -7
dj.c	Will drive multiple DJ11's. Supports hardware silo on input.
.ti -7
dz.c	This DZ11 driver will handle Dial-in lines and will
handshake with terminals that use Data Terminal Ready to
control output. Also supports silo on input.
.ti -7
ei.c	UT200 (modified) Emulator on DP11. Talks to our version of
QUEBEC Export-Import in the best way. There are other
versions of this driver for DU11's and for the standard KRONOS
(NOS) E/I; Although the exact version you need is maybe not
here, it should not be too difficult to change our one.
Tuning it up to your of Export is a different problem.
.ti -7
lp.c	This driver will support both standard DEC LP05/LP11 and CDC
lineprinters. It features block buffering and settable
parameters (stty calls). High speed (>200LPM) line printers
are handled better since buffers are used to queue chars for
output. No longer is system cpu bound when printing !!!
.ti -7
msc.c	Driver for Microcomputer Systems controller with Ampex
DM9100 drives. Optimises seeking and rotation and does 
overlapped seeks for multiple drives. A la RK05 driver from
Children's Museum.
.ti -7
rk.c	Modified Children's Museum (Boston) RK05 driver. MANY bugs
fixed and has an improved scheme for optimizing layout. Will
also support pseudo rk05's such as PERTEC which don't have
overlapped seeks. Layout scheme places logical block one in
center of the disk, ie inodes are at disk centre thus
reducing seeking time.
Restricted raw I/O's can still be done. This was impossible on
original driver.
.ti -7
tm.c	TU10 driver which supports all features of our TU16 driver
and more. Stty calls can be used for tape positioning etc.
.ti -7
hp.c	Driver for RP04 on massbuss/unibus.
Optimises seeking and rotation and does overlapped seeks for
multiple drives.
.ds t "MDEC
.sp 3
.H "hp92boot
This loads programs up to 92kb from rp04. (It could have bugs..)
.H "hpsboot
A better rp04 bootstrap. Features are:
Indirect blocks,
Boots from any cylinder,
Boots any pathname,
Recovers better from errors,
If 407 a.out take note of text & data size
and stop loading iff file too big,
Much smaller !!
.H "mksatp
Make a stand-alone tape.
.H "msboot
A bootstrap for Micro-computer systems controller with Ampex
DM9100 drives.
.H "rkboot
Boots optimized layout rk05 disks.
Knows about indirect blocks - they are handled efficiently.
.H "rkdf
Stand alone RK copier, formatter etc ..
.ds t "other goodies
.sp 3
From 'S1' and 'S2' the following have been selected (arbitarily)
as being useful programs from this distribution
and hence worthy of comment
.sp 2
absout		Turns DEC absolute loader format into an a.out file.
ask		Asks a question and returns TRUE if answer is yes.
banner		Full 64 character set
cc		New control line #else, conditional expressions for #ifdef.
		Listings with nesting depth can be requested.
chmod		Rewrite chmod.s in C !!
chown		Rewrite chown.s in C -- flag -s saves modify date
clri		Modified to work on multiple inodes.
copy		Ex a distribution tape + some new flags.
coreit		Prints out core dump summary
cp		This version checks correctly for cp to same file
cr		Reads cards from card reader and strips off trailing blanks
dcopy		File system straightener - layout a filesystem in best possible way
df		If used with no args uses the file system of working directory.
diff		New flag -d - enables full listing with all differences
		very useful for looking at distributions
edrecon		Reconstructs ed file after crash.
em		QMC thing with new features: join command, ...
entab		Converts spaces to tabs where suitable -- and "detab" vice-versa
errlog		uses /dev/errlog to log system errors on /usr/adm/errlog
ipatch		Some serious bugs fixed
lked		turns a 407 image into a 412 (shared-data) image
log		talks to other systems + full file transfer protocol
lpd		new all singing all dancing
lpr		new lp spooler
prstop		Abort current lpr output
dtp		New Dynamic TP:- large blocks, does directories, ...
		this distribution was created with this program
pack,unpack	Very useful programs for saving space - uses a
pcat		  sophisticated technique for file compression
		  Originally from a distribution tape modified here
		  to use longs and not floting point.
ps		New flags, new format -- all singing all dancing
rmdir		This version of rmdir checks for all sorts
		  of errors that previously went unchecked.
sh		Many fixes, changes, safe for super-users
shutdown		Shuts down system nicely -- uses SIGTERMINATE.
slp		Sets line printer modes with stty call.
speed		Version of cat that does backspace optimising.
timelim		Puts a cpu time limit on a command
unlink		Unequivocal unlink.
.sp 3
.de x
.ne 5
.sp 1
.ti 0
Below is a list of MAJOR items of software which can now be obtained
for UNIX. The list is not exhaustive but such a list may be helpful to
others who are looking for software for UNIX.  If any person reading
this knows of other items of significance then please, please let
me or preferably the newsletter know.
.sp 3
.in + 7
Need DEC licence plus licence from CULC - cost $US3000 - produces good
code and runs very quickly.
BUT it has bugs and documentation is poor.
.in +7
Commercial Union Leasing Corporation
115 East 57th Street
New York   NY  10022
.in -7
Need DEC licence. Came from Princeton University.
Good and reliable, some bugs (none too serious) documentation
Written in C and AS - works well - used widely on campus for
teaching undergraduates.
A good compiler and interpreter with good documentation.
.in +7
Bill Joy
CS Division
Department of EE and CS
UC Berkeley
Berkeley, California 94704
.in -7
Is an implementation of SNOBOL4 - a good implementation, good documentation.
A few minor bugs with unevaluated expressions.
.in +7
Dewar Information Systems Corp
221 West Lake Street
Oak Park, ILLINOIS  60302
.in -7
.x "BASIC-11
need DEC licence - includes matrix operations - works well
.in +7
Undergraduate Science Center
Harvard University
1 oxford street
CaMbridge, mass. 02138
.in -7
Need DEC licence.
This implementation corresponds to RSTS/E 5B.
Origin of it is unknown.
is a general-purpose information storage and retrieval system - a database
management package - supports very fast access to keyed items, concurrent
updates by multiple users - also easily maintained.  Documentation good
- some bugs but not too serious. Cost is
based on the encompassing budget of
the group who will use it.
All things considered it is very inexpensive
considering the facilities offered.
.x "IDA
Interactive Data Analysis is written in Fortran and provides an
excellent statistical analysis package for student use - excellent
diagnostics and more importantly provides good assistance where
necessary if the user doesn't understand what is required.
.in +7
Graduate School of Business
University of Chicago
Chicago,  Illinois  60637
.in -f

These well known student compilers for Fortran and Cobol
are now available under UNIX.
.in +7
Sandra Ward
Computer Systems Group
University of Waterloo
Waterloo  Ontario  Canada   N2l 3GL
.in -7
.x "BMD
PDP11 Version 2 of BMDP77 - a complete implementation of the
MAY 1978 release from UCLA.  Cost is $250 for two-years for degree-granting
institutions.  UNIX version has just become available.
.in +7
Software Development Corp
Middlebury College
PO Box 500
Middlebury  Vermont  05753
.in -7