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including files from this version of Unix.

.HE "AUSAM" " " "Section 0"
.FO "Peter Ivanov"
.NS 0 "0."
This is the proposed system of user records and accounting for use on the UNIX
systems at Comp. Sci. UNSW, Comp. Sci. SU, and the AGSM.
(and others if they want it !!??)
There are three file types, examined in detail in the following text.
These are:
.BP 8 7
a)	the password file (/etc/passwd)
b)	the supervisor validation files (/usr/adm/super ??)
c)	the complete user record file (s?) (/usr/adm/records ??)
These files are logically linked by login name and user ID number.
For those unfamiliar with the system and the intricate web in which it
ensnares the average user, section one will be instructive.
For the initiated the remaining sections deal with specialised aspects of
the system.
.BP 10 9
.ul 1
Section	Deals with
2	The "/etc/passwd" file structure and associated access and modification
3	The "lnode" incore limits structure and associated access and
modification routines.
4	Programs altered or written to implement the system.
These include system routines as well as the more obvious user
interface programs such as "login".
5	The supervisor validation file structure and associated access
and modification routines.
(Still under development)
6	The complete user record file.
(Still under development)
7	The "pwedit" program and its uses.
Before getting into the "nitty gritty",
I would like to offer a title for this system, the initials of which
describe both the work involved to implement it and
the possible effects on the until now unrestricted UNIX user.
The title is the
"Australian UNIX Share Accounting Method"
or "AUSAM" for short.