
Find at most related files.
including files from this version of Unix.

.HE "AUSAM" " " "Section 4"
.NS 0 "4.1"
Many alterations have been made to both user and system routines
to implement AUSAM.
The majority of changes to user routines involve modifications to methods
of password file accessing.
Happily, due to the availability
of generalised accessing and modification routines, most programs
have tended to become smaller and far clearer.
Changes to system routines mostly invole the implementation of limits
calls and maintenace of limits at a system level.
A list of altered routines appears below.
   sys/dmr/bio		      source/c_compiler/c0
   sys/dmr/dz		      source/c_compiler/c00
   sys/dmr/rk		      source/s1/ac
   sys/dmr/tty		      source/s1/chown
   sys/ken/alloc	      source/s1/cnvtwtmp
   sys/ken/fio		      source/s1/du
   sys/ken/iget		      source/s1/find
   sys/ken/malloc	      source/s1/getty
   sys/ken/nami		      source/s1/glob
   sys/ken/once		      source/s1/init
   sys/ken/pipe		      source/s1/login
   sys/ken/rdwri	      source/s1/lpr
   sys/ken/sig		      source/s1/ls
   sys/ken/slp		      source/s2/mail
   sys/ken/subr		      source/s2/passwd
   sys/ken/sys1		      source/s2/sa
   sys/ken/sys2		      source/s2/stty
   sys/ken/sys3		      source/s2/su
   sys/ken/sys4		      source/s2/update
   sys/ken/sysent	      source/s2/who
   sys/ken/text		      source/sysdump
.ES "4.1"
.NS 0 "4.2"
New programs
New software includes the password file editing program, "pwedit",
the password file accessing
routines and a host of programs to display and initialise
various user data.
A list of new programs follows.
source/ausam/pwedit/pwconv	   source/ausam/pwroutines/puthtab
source/ausam/pwedit/pwcreat	   source/ausam/pwroutines/pututab
source/ausam/pwedit/pwedit	   source/ausam/pwroutines/pwclose
source/ausam/pwedit/pwscan	   source/ausam/pwroutines/pwfile
source/ausam/pwedit/pwuse	   source/ausam/pwroutines/pwhash
source/ausam/pwroutines/addentry   source/ausam/pwroutines/pwinit
source/ausam/pwroutines/addpwent   source/ausam/pwroutines/updtpwent
source/ausam/pwroutines/chkentry   source/s1/class
source/ausam/pwroutines/chngpwent  source/s2/newpp
source/ausam/pwroutines/delpwent   source/s2/pp
source/ausam/pwroutines/equalentry source/s2/printc
source/ausam/pwroutines/freetable  source/s2/printd
source/ausam/pwroutines/getentry   source/s2/printss
source/ausam/pwroutines/gethtab	   source/s2/pud
source/ausam/pwroutines/getoffset  source/s2/pwscan
source/ausam/pwroutines/getpwlog   source/s4/errlst
source/ausam/pwroutines/getpwuid   source/s4/getpw
source/ausam/pwroutines/getutab	   source/s4/limits
source/ausam/pwroutines/putentry   source/s5/iwait
Where possible,
new or altered programs have been "ifdef"ed to allow compilation
for non AUSAM systems.
.ES "4.2"