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.HE "AUSAM" " " "Section 7"
.NS 0 "7."
The PWEDIT Program
"Pwedit" is an interactive program
used to edit the "/etc/passwd" file in the AUSAM system.
A usual sequence of events in using the program might be:
.BP 6 3
*	call program without arguments or options
*	give a keyword, any one of "add", "delete", "change" or "update".
Any of "delete", "change" or "update" cause the program to ask
for two items of data
.BP 10 9
"uid="	after which you type the decimal user id number,
between zero and PWTABSIZE inclusive, of the required user.
"lname="	after which
you type the login name of the required user.
In the case of
.BP 10 7
add	login name and uid are not requested
delete	both login name and uid must be given.
change	either the login name or uid must be given.
The entry for the required user is entered into the temporary
file for the next phase of the
update	either the login name or uid must be given.
The entry for the required user is entered into the temporary file
for the next phase of the
*	for a "delete" command, if the user exists, this entry
is deleted.
If no such user exists, a message informs you of the fact.
The program is now ready to accept another command.
*	for "add", "change" and "update" commands,
the program creates a temporary file
either the entry
to be changed or updated, or a template for a new entry optionally
containing the uid and/or login name given.
*	the program forks and execs an "elphic" mode editor with the temporary
file as its work file.
All changes may be made to this file using normal editor commands.
The first line of the file contains the name of the
pwedit command.
*	when the edit is complete (a q has been given) the editor
writes the modified temporary file and exits.
Pwedit, which has been waiting for its child to exit now reads
and validates the contents of the temporary file.
If all is well the alteration or addition is done, and if not an error message
is given.
The program is now ready to accept new commands.
For a more complete description of "pwedit" refer to the manual entry.
.ES "7."