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including files from this version of Unix.

.HE "AUSAM" " " "Section 1"
.NS 0 "1."
The Tangled Web We Weave
.BP 5 0
"What is a `user' ??"
"Oh", you say, "They are those strange twitching, pallid, drawn and
nervous creatures you see running round and around in circles, muttering
obscenities, in the corridors of computer centres !!"
"Yes, right first try! Now what is a `computnik' ??"
"A new type of terrorist ?"
"Close, but not quite right. They are the ones, with smiles on
their faces, watching the `users' running round and around in
circles, muttering obscenities, in the corridors of computer centres!"
The reason why "users" tend to develop mental disorders is that they
cannot endure the incredible frustrations, both bureucratic and computational,
that are part and parcel of using a computer.
The reason why "computniks" smile may be because of
well pampered masochistic tendencies, but is usually because they have found
the key to manipulating the computer system to make their lives easier.
The AUSAM system tries to lessen the "users" frustrations, mostly the
bureucratic kind, while wiping the smile off the face of the "computnik".
.NS 5 "1.1"
Come into my parlour
As with any UNIX system, a new user must first petition a guru of sufficiently
high standing to obtain a "login name", "password" and "working directory".
This is still the case under AUSAM but from here on things start to differ.
As all gurus know, the new user must be assigned an entry in the
"/etc/passwd" file.
Under AUSAM this file is NOT in editable ASCII form.
It is a hashed binary file and the "pwedit" command (see section 7 of this document)
must be used to enter a new user.
Slightly more information is required from the initiate, including:
.BP 15 5
First name
for the "first name" field of the password file entry
Last name
for the "last name" field of the password file entry
Staff or student number
which is useful on larger systems for a unique, easily associated,
"login name"
Other relevant data such as course number, year etc
to help determine a "limits profile" to provide adequate service.
The guru, using certain instinctive knowledge possessed by such people
and data supplied by the initiate, will then determine
.BP 15 5
The new user's "login name"
The "initial working directory"
The "login shell"
The "limits profile"
This profile may be tailored to any particular users needs, but is
usually set to one of a number of default values.
The profile includes
.BP 10 5
Share allocation
Disc limit
Core limit
Process count limit
Printer page limit
Certain flag values
The effects of the "limits profile" will become clear as you read on.
The initiate is then free to embark on his life of computer crime,
for in AUSAM's eyes everyone is a criminal.
.NS 5 "1.2"
Logging in
When a user enters a "login name" the "/etc/passwd" file is searched for
an entry corresponding to that name.
If a password is found necessary
to complete validation, the user is queried for this further information.
After validation the login program recursively searches the users home
directory and sub-directories
preparing a "total disc usage" (TDU) figure.
The TDU is made up as follows:
.BP 15 5
a)	Each block of
disc storage used is counted as one unit.
b)	Each inode (file) used is counted as "IWEIGHT" units (around 2).
Thus the TDU is a composite giving a measure of both disc and inode
If the TDU is greater than the password entry disc limit allows, login
prints a warning message and increments the password entry warning count.
If the incremented count is greater than "NDLIMWARN", or the TDU figure is
greater than the sum of the disc limit plus the overflow disc limit,
then the password entry
"DLIMIT" flag is set and a second message is issued informing the user that no
further disc output requests will be allowed until the TDU drops below the
allowable disc limit.
Login then uses the "limits" system call to ask that an incore
structure entry be created for this user.
If such a structure already exists (the user is logged in elsewhere or has
at least one asynchronous process running) then the "user-per-process"
limits pointer is directed at this structure.
If no structure already exists,
a new one is created and the pointer set accordingly.
Limits structures are held in system data space, and are
periodically written to a file "/etc/lnodes.chkpt" in case of
system failure.
Login now "exec"s a shell for the user.
The shell and all future children will
carry a pointer to their common limits structure.
.NS 5 "1.3"
The terminal session
All things appear normal as the user starts to execute commands.
However subtle checks and adjustments are continuously being made.
.NS 5 "1.3.1"
Shares and usage (under development)
Probably the most important adjustment being made is execution priority
with respect to other people using the machine.
As mentioned earlier a user is allotted a number of shares as part of his
"limits profile".
If the user's "usage" has been normal then his priority is such
that he is able to use "p" percent of the machine's power.
		shares of this user
   p    ------------------------------------
	total shares for all users logged in
You will have noted that the above is true
if "usage" has been normal.
"Usage" is a measure of how much machine work has been done by
the user in the recent
A high usage figure means that a lot of work has been done and
a low usage figure indicates little recent work.
In order to encourage even work rates (and hence a predictable load) the "p"
figure above is modified to yield a true priority.
priority    p *	-----
A more complete definition of the scheduling system may be found in
"The Proposed UNIX Scheduler" by Andrew Hume.
.NS 5 "1.3.2"
All those lovely limits
Sooner or later,
whether through malice, stupidity or the natural course of expansion,
a user runs into one or more of the limits in his "limits profile".
most limits have a definite and final action when reached, care has been
taken to protect the user from "brick walls" which prevent any further work
or remedial action.
Unfortunately it is impossible to stop those users with suicidal tendencies.
.NS 5 ""
The disc limit
Probably the most often encountered limit
is on disc usage.
As mentioned earlier, at login time a TDU figure is calculated.
This value is stored in the "lnode" structure.
System routines "alloc", "ialloc", "free" and "ifree" have been modified
to keep the stored TDU figure up to date (under development).
In general a normal user may only create files in his home directory or
the "/tmp" directory.
All such files are counted in the TDU.
If a user outputs data or creates a file which causes the TDU figure to exceed
his disc limit, he is given a warning message.
The user may choose to ignore the warning for no real punitive action will be
taken until he has ignored a number of warnings (given each login) or has
caused the TDU figure to exceed the sum of his disc limit plus
his allowable disc overflow.
Eventually, if he persists in his wayward actions, a message will inform
him that no further disc output will be allowed until he has reduced his
TDU to less than his limit.
Requests for further disc blocks or i-nodes will not be honoured.
The issuance of this final message should cause the user to reduce his TDU
or approach a guru to have his limit increased.
As mentioned earlier, disc output in the "/tmp" directory is counted towards the TDU as a terminal session continues.
You will also recall that login searches only from the home directory
to compile the initial TDU.
The implication is that all files owned by the user in "/tmp" space are
removed when the last process owned by him exits.
This would seem not an unreasonable action.
.NS 5 ""
The core limit
This limit has not been implemented as yet and always defaults to zero.
.NS 5 ""
The process count limit
One of the beauties of UNIX is ability to
start dozens of asynchronous and nested processes.
This limit is designed to protect against the possibility of filling the "proc"
Should a user try to exceed his process limit a warning message will be given
and the "fork" will fail.
The default limit is about six processes.
.NS 5 ""
The printer page limit
Every computer user has encountered that most tedious and (in these days of
high paper costs) costly item, "the garbage output".
Whether it be "irish jokes", an infinite loop or "wall paper", it
is not necessary and should be curtailed.
This limit is set at a value that most normal users never approach.
Should this value be exceeded, the spooling or output programs
will not print the output
and a warning
message asks that arrangements be made with a guru to print during off-peak
.ES "1.3.2"
.NS 5 "1.3.3"
The flags
Sixteen flags are contained in a flag word in the limits structure.
At present, only three are used.
Their uses are:
.BP 12 5
01	DAWARN, used to signify that one disc space warning has been given
during a terminal session as distinct from those given at login time.
02	DLIMIT, used to signify that no further "alloc" or "ialloc" calls
are to be honoured.
04	ASYNCKILL, when set causes all asynchronous processes
to be killed at log out time.
010	ASYNCNICE, when set causes all asynchronous processes to background
.ES "1.3.3"
.NS 5 "1.3.4"
Class mask
This mask consists of "CMASKSIZE" integers.
Particular bits in each word correspond to particular classes,
defined in the "class priority" program.
If a bit in the class mask matches a bit in a global mask, set periodically
by the "class priority" program,
.ES "1.3"
.NS 5 "1.4"
Logging out
When "init" sees that the highest level shell has exited
a users limits structure
flags word is examined
to see whether any asynchronous processes are allowed to remain
after logging out.
If the "ASYNCKILL" flag is set all processes owned by the user, initiated
at this terminal, are killed (sig 9).
As all processes on a UNIX system must be "wait"ed for by a parent,
and as the ultimate parent is "init",
this process is where final accounting is done.
As a user executes various commands the "lnode" structure reference
count reflects the total number of active processes "chargeable" to
a particular
This count is maintained by "fork" and "exit".
The "init" process must inherit the final child of a particular limits
structure (reference count == 0) via a "wait" system call and so
may update the "/etc/passwd" file with final "usage" values
and remove "/tmp" files etc.