
Find at most related files.
including files from this version of Unix.

.HE "AUSAM" " " "Section 2"
.NS 0 "2."
The "/etc/passwd" File
This is the key file for user validation and contains a copy of frequently
used individual user data.
.NS 5 "2.1"
File format
The file is NOT standard ASCII as the previous "/etc/passwd" file was.
Entries are of variable length made up of a fixed length binary block of data
followed by a variable length character block.
Approximately the first 10K bytes in the file are used to contain
a hash table pointing to linked lists
of password entries whose "login name" hashes to the same value, and a
table of direct uid pointers (to password entries).
The format of the table is as follows.
long	hashtable[PWHASHSIZE];	/* the hash table */
long	uidpointers[PWTABSIZE];	/* uid pointer table */
The format of a password entry is as follows.
.IN 1 
struct pwent
	long		pw_next;		/* seek address of next entry in list */
	long		pw_last;		/* seek address of previous entry in list */
 *	The following will be part of a limits structure
	unsigned	pw_uid;		/* integer uid */
	unsigned	pw_shares;	/* number of shares held */
	long		pw_usage;	/* accumulated usage figure */
	unsigned	pw_cmask[CMASKSIZE];	/* class mask of this user */
	unsigned	pw_flags;	/* some handy flags */
	unsigned	pw_dlimit;	/* users disc limit in blocks */
	unsigned	pw_doverflw;	/* amount disc limit may be exceeded
					before encountering masonary */
	char		pw_plimit;	/* users process count limit */
	char		pw_climit;	/* users core limit in K bytes */
 *	The rest does not reside in core
	char		pw_pword[8];	/* encrypted password */
	long		pw_contime;	/* total accumulated connect time */
	long		pw_cputime;	/* total accumulated cpu time */
	long		pw_extime;	/* time at which last limit struct freed */
				/* ie the last time the user did anything */
	char		pw_warn;		/* number of warnings, eg re disc space */
	char		pw_pages;	/* line printer pages limit in 10s */
 *	The super user will need to have limits of -1 (maximum).
 *	In UNSWDCS's case the LA180s run approx. 4 times slower than our larger
 *	printer. The pages limit could therefore be right shifted 2 places
 *	when used as an LA180 limit.
 *	Now follow a set of counts relating to the lengths of character strings.
 *	The strings, all null terminated, follow sequentially immediately
 *	after the last count. "char *"s are used so that they may be converted
 *	to string pointers in core.
	char		*pw_strings[PWSLENCNT];	/* variable length string pointers */
 *	The pointer array elements point to the following:
 *	0	login name
 *	1	initial directory pathname
 *	2	initial shell pathname
 *	3	users first name
 *	4	users last name
 *	5	"other" general data field
 *	A good sized string buffer (say 200 bytes)
 *	should be provided for "getpwuid" and "getpwlog".
#define	SSIZ		200	/* a goodly size */
 *	Data item	Notes and routines which create or modify entry
 *	pw_next		*pwent routines and pwedit
 *	pw_last		*pwent routines and pwedit
 *	pw_pword[8]	pwedit and passwd
 *	pw_uid		*pwent routines and pwedit
 *	pw_shares	pwedit
 *	pw_usage		init and pwedit
 *	pw_flags		init, login and pwedit
 *		flags have uses as follow
 *		01	DAWARN		one warning given during term. sess.
 *		02	DLIMIT		no further disc output allowed
 *		04	ASYNCKILL	kill all async procs at logoff time
 *		010	ASYNCNICE	force async procs to background at log off
 *		020
 *		.
 *		.			spares
 *		.
 *		0100000
 *	pw_dlimit	pwedit
 *	pw_contime	init and pwedit
 *	pw_cputime	init and pwedit
 *	pw_extime	init and pwedit
 *	pw_climit	pwedit
 *	pw_plimit	pwedit
 *	pw_warn		login and pwedit
 *	pw_pages	pwedit
 *	pw_strings[]	*pwent routines
The restriction to eight character login names has been removed.
.NS 5 "2.2"
Eight functions are provided to access and manipulate the password
file. They are:
.BP 8 7
1)	addpwent (&pe)
2)	delpwent (&pe)
3)	chngpwent (&pe)
4)	getpwuid (&pe, sbuf, size)
5)	getpwlog (&pe, sbuf, size)
6)	updtpwent(&pe)
7)	pwfile(s)
8)	pwclose()
with definitions as
.IN 10
struct pwent pe;
char	sbuf[BUFFERSIZE];
char	*s;
int	uid, size;
.BP 6 4
1)	addpwent (&pe)
This function is called with the address of a "pwent" structure.
All "pw_strings" will be accessed via these pointers.
The function inserts the new user in the password file and returns the user
ID assigned.
2)	delpwent (&pe)
This function is called with the address of a "pwent" structure.
All "pw_strings" will be accessed via these pointers.
The function verifies the existence of the passwd entry and deletes it.
The function returns 0 if the entry did not exist, 1 if deletion
was normal and -1 on error.
3)	chngpwent (&pe)
This function is called with the address of a "pwent" structure.
All "pw_strings" will be accessed via these pointers.
The login name and uid of the "pe" entry must match the target password
All other fields may be modified.
The function returns 1 for a successful modification, 0
if the login name or uid fields are wrong and -1 on error.
4)	getpwuid (&pe, sbuf, size)
This function is called with the address
of a "pwent" structure, the address of a string
buffer area and a size.
The password entry whose "login name" matches that pointed to by
"pe->pw_strings[LNAME]" is found.
The fixed portion of the password entry will be read into the
"pwent" structure.
If "size" is zero only the "pwent" structure will be read.
If "size" is non-zero
those strings which may be read completely will be read
into the string buffer.
and their pointers (pw_strings), which are stored as lengths in the
passwd file will
be converted into string pointers to data in the string buffer supplied.
The pointers for strings which cannot be read
will remain as an indicator of any extra buffer space needed.
Thus the total string area size may be obtained
by using one call with a size of zero and adding the "pw_strings"
The function returns the summed size of the string lengths, the
passed size if the sum exceeds this value or -1 if the entry does not
exist or an error has occurred.
5)	getpwlog (&pe, sbuf, size)
This function is called with
the address
of a "pwent" structure, the address of a string
buffer area and a size.
The password entry whose "uid" is the same as "pe->pw_uid" is found.
The fixed portion of the password entry will be read into the
"pwent" structure.
If "size" is zero only the "pwent" structure will be read.
If "size" is non-zero
those strings which may be read completely will be read
into the string buffer.
and their pointers (pw_strings), which are stored as lengths in the
passwd file will
be converted into string pointers to data in the string buffer supplied.
The pointers for strings which cannot be read
will remain as an indicator of any extra buffer space needed.
Thus the total string area size may be obtained
by using one call with a size of zero and adding the "pw_strings"
The function returns the summed size of the string lengths, the
passed size if the sum exceeds this value or -1 if the entry does not
exist or an error has occurred.
6)	updtpwent (&pe)
This function is called with the address of a "pwent" structure.
The "pw_strings" pointers are not accessed.
The fixed portion of the password entry whose "uid" is the same as "pe->pw_uid"
is rewritten from from the area pointed to by "pe".
The "pw_next" and "pw_last" entries are updated.
The function returns 1 if the update was normal, 0 for failure
and -1 for error.
7)	pwfile(s)
The name of the password file is changed from "/etc/passwd" to the string
pointed at by "s".
This call should be made before any other.
8)	pwclose()
The passwd file is closed.
.ES "2.2"
.NS 5 "2.3"
Included file
All programs which access the password file may include a file "passwd.h"
with all useful definitions.
.ES "2.3"
.ES "2."