
Find at most related files.
including files from this version of Unix.

.SH "How is Information Stored on the Machine?"
Information is stored on the machine in files.
A file
can store
the data which is to be operated on in some way
by a program or a file can contain a program
which acts on data.
(Even a terminal
is considered by the
system to be a file.)
Every file is denoted by a unique
name which can be up to 14 characters
The characters may be non-alphanumeric
(eg. '-', '.', ...),
but a word of warning!
Some files are generally used for temporary
storage only,
and are removed every night.
If you create a file called "temp*"\*F or "a.out"
for instance,
by "temp*" I mean any file name beginning
with "temp".
it will be removed during the
so don't have valuable information in any
file with the above names\*F.
all the following files are removed nightly,
*.map, *.lst, *.l, tmp*, temp*, core, a.out,
Don't get alarmed if another user uses the same name for one of his files
as you do.
They are considered by the system to be distinct because they are in
different accounts.
.H 2 "What Files Do You Have?"
To find the names of all your files,
just type

	% ls

and a list of the file names will appear in alphabetical
like the following


If you have so many files that the list goes off
the screen,
or if you want a concise listing then try

	% ls ^ mc

and the list of files will be printed for you
in columns:


More information
about files
will be found
in the sections
"Common Commands" and "Advanced Usage".
.H 2 "The Contents of a File"
There are several ways in which
the contents of a file may be seen.
If you want to see a file quickly with a minimum
of fuss you should use a program called "cat".
To see the contents
of your file called "fred2" type

	% cat fred2

and you will get


which is,
you will recall,
a listing of all
your files.
You can also see several files
at once,
for example,
by typing

	% cat fred fred2

and you will get

	This is a test
	hello world, this is Unix Editor

"pr" will print files in a manner best
suited to hard copy
(or non-display type) terminals.
Every page has a heading,
page number and the date.
There are 51 lines to one
DECwriter page,
so to print "fred" you type

	% pr -l51 fred\*F

please note the argument is the letter 'l' not the digit '1'.
The 'l' stands for 'lines per page'.
The -l51 tells "pr" that there are 51 lines
to one page. After typing the above command the following
will be printed

	Nov 28 13:16 1978  fred Page 1

	This is a test
	hello world, this is Unix Editor

	( + 47 blank lines )

If this file had been much longer then the date etc.
would appear at the top of every page
The previous two commands are useful
when you wish to see what's in a file when
you are at a terminal.
The third method
of viewing files is to use the command
This is especially useful if the files are large.
If you type

	% lpr fred

the terminal will respond


but you haven't got a listing to see.
The listing of "fred" will be sent to
a large, high-speed printer called
a "line printer" (hence the name "lpr").
The line printer at the AGSM is located in
room 410 at the opposite end of the floor
to the AGSM library.
When you pick up your listing from the
line printer room there will be a "header"
on the first page
which contains,
among other things,
your login name.
When you pick up your listing from
the line printer,
it is possible that there will
be several other users' listings
there also.
If this is the case then you are
requested to separate all the listings
and place them in the shelving provided.
Treat other peoples' listings as you
would have them treat yours.
This third form of listing is very useful
when the file is very long or a
permanent listing is required. To "lpr"
your two files just type

	% lpr fred fred2

and the line printer will produce a listing
with a header,
and then the two files,
both beginning on new pages.
If you wanted the formatting that "pr"
offers and would like it on the line
printer then type

	% pr fred ^ lpr\*F

the symbol "^" denotes a 'pipe' and will be explained later.
and you will get a listing of what "pr"
produces on the line printer.
.H 2 "Differences Between Files"
There are two types of files.
The first type of files are text files
which have printable characters on them,
and are generally
used for
human consumption
or input to programs.
The second type of file are those which
contain machine instructions (i.e. programs)
and do not appear to contain useful information.
These files are usually called "binary files".
All binary files,
when printed on the screen,
will produce garbage,
blanking the screen
quite often.
When you lpr a binary file the line printer
will just print a few characters at the beginning
of a new page.
It will do this perhaps two hundred times,
hence wasting many sheets of paper.
\&'lpr'ing binary files is not regarded
as a joke as it wastes a lot of paper,
so be careful of which files you lpr.