
Find at most related files.
including files from this version of Unix.

.SH "Files"
.H 2 "Creating Files"
Here are two common ways
of creating files.
The first way is to use the editor.
Below is
an example of the creation of a file
containing coordinate points to be used by a program.

	% em points
	Open: No such file or directory
		10.0	5.0
		11.0	8.5
		12.0	13.7
		13.0	19.2
		14.0	31.0

The creation of the data is done using a command 'a'
(which stands for 'append').
After this command is typed,
all text following is appended to the file.
To indicate that no more data is to be appended
you type a '.'
on a line by itself.
After this is done the editor is ready to
take commands again (signified by the prompt ">").
You then copy this data to the file by typing 'w'.
You then exit from the editor.
The second way to create a file
is to "redirect standard output".
This is just a way of saying "put
the output of a program on a file
instead of the terminal".
As an example,
if you wish to create
a file which has a list of
all your files on a file called "fred2"
you type

	% ls > fred2

and again the system will respond


The use of ">" in the above command
indicates that the output is
to be placed onto a file called "fred2".
This sort of redirection can be
used with any program that puts output
on the terminal.
You can also tell a program to take
its input from a file instead of from the
terminal by a similar mechanism.
Suppose that you wished to mail
three people, 'larry', 'curly', and 'mo'
the same mail,
but you didn't want to
type the mail three times.
One way to do this is to create a
file containing
the mail you want these three people
to receive.
An example of this is

	% em temp
	Open: No such file or directory
		good morning everybody

		I will be giving a seminar on
		computing next Wednesday,
		if interested please contact me

	% mail larry < temp
	% mail curly < temp
	% mail mo < temp
	% rm temp

which means to mail all three people,
but take the mail from the file called "temp"
instead of the terminal.
When you use this form of redirection
you do not have to type in [control]d.
After the mail is sent you can remove the
file called "temp" by giving the last command,
which removes the specified file.
The use of "<" and ">" in any command can be considered
as the direction in which the input or output
is going.
Any command can contain both "<" and ">".
You may consider this quite adequate but there is a further form of
redirection called a 'pipe'.
Pipes are used to direct the output of one
program to the input of another\*F.
i.e. the output is 'piped' to the input of the other program.
Why do we have pipes?
Well, we don't have to!
Lets say we wanted a list of our files arranged in columns.
One way would be
.DS 1
% ls > temp
% mc < temp
% rm temp
Another is
.DS 1
% ls ^ mc
Which do you prefer?
.H 2 "Changing A File"
Changing a file is done be using a program called the editor.
I will give a short summary of commands used when editing
a file,
but I suggest that you read 'Edit: A Tutorial'
to gain more insight into the editor and all
it offers.
To edit a file called "fred" you type

	% em fred

If "fred" already exists the editor may respond
with respond with


which means that there are 48 characters in the
file and that the editor is now waiting for
you to give it commands (">" is a prompt).
If the file doesn't exist then the editor
will respond

	Open: No such file or directory

which says that the file doesn't exist
and the editor is now waiting for you to
enter commands.
If "fred" does exist,
the editor
will respond with


then to see all of the lines in the file you
type the command


which means that from line number 1 to
the end of the file (signified by $) print each
line (signified by p). The editor will respond
with the contents of "fred":

	This is a test
	hullo world, this is Unix Editor

You may now wish to change the "hullo" into "hello"
so to find the line with "hullo"
on it you type


and the editor prints

	hullo world, this is Unix Editor

You now wish to swap "hullo" with "hello"
so you type


which causes the following to be printed by em

	hello world, this is Unix Editor

The editor doesn't actually work on
your file,
it uses a temporary copy
just in case you inadvertently make a
mistake you wish to undo.
To copy this updated temporary file
into your file you type the command


and the editor will respond


which indicates the number of characters
written to the file "fred".
Now that your editing session is over
you wish to leave the editor,
so you give the command


and the terminal prints


which indicates that you have left the
editor and are again "talking"
to the system (called UNIX).
.H 2 "Changing the Name of a File"
What happens if you want to
rename your "fred2" file "test"?
If you type

	% mv fred2 test

the result would be that "fred2"
is now called "test". Typing in

	% ls

will produce


The "mv" command (which stands for move)
renames the first file
the second file.
If the second file already existed
it is replaced.
There are certain characters that you should
use in file names\*F.
for full details see the shell documentation elsewhere in this manual.
The following characters are at least slightly dangerous:
? # @ ^ < > * [ ] - ; : (space) (tab) " ' \\ | % & $ = ( ) !
\&'!' and '-' are
dangerous only as the first character.
These characters are not so much dangerous, as inconvenient.
They have special meanings to the shell and are best not used\*F.
which doesn't leave you with much, but life wasn't meant to be easy.
Spaces (or blanks) and tabs are used to separate arguments and
their (attempted) use in file names is a
common mistake made by beginners.
.H 2 "Creating a Copy of a File"
Let's suppose that you now wish to
have a copy of the contents
of the file "fred" in a file "junk".
This could be done using the editor,
but there is a simpler way.
If you typed

	% cp fred junk

you would then have
the contents of the file "fred"
in the file "junk".
The command cp (copy)
copies the first file into the
second file. 
If the second file
already existed it is overwritten.
Typing in

	% ls

will now produce


Note that "junk" will contain exactly the same information that
"fred" does.
.H 2 "Removing Files"
Suppose now you didn't want to keep
How can you remove it?

	% rm fred

will remove "fred".
"rm" can be given
many file names,
and will remove all of the files
(too many names and the system
will give an error message).
\&'ls' will now produce


.H 2 "Transfering Files Between Users"
If you wish to have a
copy of another user's file,
there is a procedure which
can be used to obtain the copy.
Assume that 'joe' has a file
called "info" which you would
like to have a copy of.
Firstly you and 'joe' should
both log on.
Then 'joe' must type
the following

	% cp info /tmp/info

and then you must type

	% cp /tmp/info info

and you will have the required copy.
When doing this it is essential
that 'joe' does not log off
before you take the copy,
as this will destroy the copy
you were about to take.
If, after you typed in 'cp /tmp/info info'
you received the message

	/tmp/info: Permission denied

it usually means that you are not
permitted to read 'joe's file.
This can be changed by 'joe'
the magical command

	% chmod 707 /tmp/info

which allows other people to access the file.
Then you type in

	% cp /tmp/info info

If any other messages occur,
you should determine what what wrong
as any errors may result in the loss of
your files.
.H 2 "What If You Lose A File?"
Every night on this system
a copy is made
on magnetic tape
of all the users files
which have been
the last three days.
This is done in case you happen
to inadvertently destroy
a file which had essential
information on it.
As further protection, a copy is made of every file each Monday night.
These copies are called
"incremental dumps" and "complete
file system dump" respectively.
If you should inadvertently destroy a file, contact the system staff as
in section 2.5.