
Find at most related files.
including files from this version of Unix.

.SH "Common Commands"
Commands consist of a program name, possibly
followed by a sequence of arguments.
Arguments are sequences of characters
separated by blanks or tabs,
and are generally file names or options.
The way in which commands react
to different arguments
is set out in detail later in this manual ("AGSM System Guide"),
"UNIX Users Guide"
or the green
UNIX Programmers Manual.
The following is a list of the most
common commands used
on the system.
.LB 10 0 0 0
.LI ls
\&'ls' lists all of your files.
This command is often used
to find the size of the files.
If you use 'ls -l' you may get the following
(-l is an option which means to give a long or full listing)

	% ls -l
	total 2
	-rw-------  1 joe		48 Nov 24:13:05 fred
	-rw-------  1 joe		72 Nov 24:13:16 junk

This tells you,
among other things,
who owns the file (ie 'joe')
how many characters are in the file
(48 in "fred", 72 in "junk"),
and the date of last modification of the
.LI "who"
\&'who' gives the
names of all the users using
the system at the moment.
	% who
	johno  		tty6 Dec 04 12:01
	root    	tty8 Dec 04 12:06
	joe     	ttyi Dec 04 11:48
	plip    	ttyn Dec 04 13:34
	jack  		ttyo Dec 04 12:46
	larry		ttyp Dec 04 12:12

This indicates who is logged on,
which terminal they are using,
and when they logged on.
This command is also useful
for determining whether a user you
wish to write to is logged on.
.LI "date"
This command is used to find the time
and date.

	% date
	Mon Dec 04 13:49:40 Sydney Time 1978

.LI "pp"
This command gives
information about your account.

% pp
Password and Lnode structures for UID:   1234		<-- 1

Process Limit:       5         <-- 2      Core Limit:     64 Kbytes
Processes:           2         <-- 3
Line Printer:       20 Printer units	<-- 4
Disk Allocation:   100 units   <-- 5      Disk Overshoot: 100 units
Disk Usage:          5 units   <-- 6

Encrypted Password: "do884r9e"         Warnings:    0
Total Connect Time: 1d13h              Total CPU Time: 0h30m
Account last used at: Mon Dec 04 08:20:46 1978
Valid terminal groups: a

Login name: joe
Initial directory: /user3/stewed.ants/joe
Initial shell: /bin/sh
Names: Joe Cool

Message #1 indicates the number
by which you are known
to the system and corresponds to each user name.
Message #2 tells you how many
processes you can have going at any one time.
A process is something which uses
the machine,
ie. any command you type in
is a process.
Because you are logged on you
have the shell program going interpreting
your commands.
This is also a process.
Message #3 tells you how many
processes you had going when
"pp" was typed in.
Message #4 indicates the number of line printer
pages you can print at any one time.
Messages #5 and #6 tell you,
how many "disk units" you are
(maximum space for your files),
and how many "disk units"
you are currently using.
A "disk unit" is related to
the number of files you have,
and to their size.
.LI "passwd"
This command is used to change your
You should change your password
(every month or so),
using words of at least eight characters.
The use of several words is also highly recommended.
Typing in 'passwd' will
produce the following

	Old password:
	New password: 


You will have to specify the
old password,
(this is again a security measure)
and a new password.
When 'Check:' is printed you must enter
the new password again,
just in case you have misspelt it the first time.
No characters are printed
when you type the passwords in.
pack, unpack
.LB 10 0 0 0 "" 0
.LI pcat
These three commands are used
to save space.
The first of these commands (pack)
will attempt to
compress the file
into a smaller space
without losing any information.
This is very useful when
you are reaching your disk limit.
If packing a file will not
save space the system will not pack it.
Packing files works best on
large files,
as these save larger amounts of
space than when smaller files
are packed.
The second command (unpack)
is the reverse operation of "pack".
When a file is packed,
a suffix of ".z" will be
appended to the file name.
This is to indicate that the file
has been packed.
If you try to cat a packed file,
you will only get garbage coming up as it is a binary file (see sect X.X).
You must not edit or lpr a packed file.
This is why the command "unpack"
is used.
An example of the use of "pack" and "unpack"
is given below

	% ls
	junk.z			(this is a packed file)
	% pack fred		(will now "pack" fred)
	fred: 35% compression	(indicates space saved)
	% ls
	% unpack junk		(will now unpack "junk")
	% ls

A word of warning!
Do not
edit any packed file.
You run the risk of destroying
the file if you do
(it has happened before).
Before you do anything with
any packed file you must unpack it.
The only exception is pcat.
Pcat is used to view packed files when
it is not required to unpack the file.
If you typed

	% pcat fred.z

the contents of "fred" will be printed
on the terminal.
This command in no way changes any
it only prints the contents of the
specified packed files.
It can be given any number of
file names,
just as in 'cat'.