
Find at most related files.
including files from this version of Unix.

.SH "Getting the Most Out of UNIX"
Most users will be quite happy
with the subset of UNIX described
UNIX can be used for many more
things than just editing.
It can be used to format text
Many languages are implemented on it.
This section describes some of the
features of UNIX which make life
quite a deal easier.
.H 2 "What Else Does 'ls -l' Tell You"
When you type

	% ls -l

you might get the following

	total 59
	drwx---r-x  2 joe         112 Dec 08 08:28 andy
	-rw-------  1 joe          71 Aug 01 18:07 docq
	-rw-------  1 joe       23748 Dec 08 08:34 edit.tut.z
	-rw----r--  1 joe       11358 Dec 08 08:55 infix.p
	-rw-------  1 joe        9496 Nov 07 10:34
	-rw-------  1 joe         143 Dec 04 09:50 mbox
	-rw-------  1 joe        4544 Nov 01 23:05 points.f4p
	drwx---r-x  2 joe        2031 Dec 07 17:22 run
	-rwx---r-x  1 joe          57 Dec 05 09:28 spl
	-rw-------  1 joe         397 Dec 08 13:59 title

The above example will show you some
of the characteristics of files.
The first field (called the mode)
will now be explained,
ie. for example "-rwx---rwx".
The first character in this field
indicates whether the file is a
file ("-") or a directory ("d").
The next three characters indicate
the read-write-execute permissions
for the owner of the file.
Read permission implies that the
owner of the file can read the file,
ie. can cat it,
or in the case of a directory,
that the owner can read it,
ie. typing 'ls' reads the directory
to find the names of the files in that directory.
Write permission is the corresponding
ability to write onto the file,
ie. you can change it.
In the case of a directory
it means that the user can
create new files and directories
(which entails writing the
file name into the directory).
Execute permission allows the file to be
run (executed) by the owner,
as a command,
or in the case of a directory,
it signifies whether the owner
can change directory into the
The next three characters are always "---".
The last three are the
read-write-execute permissions
for other users.
These have the same functions as for the
owner of the file.
As an example '-rwx---r-x' indicates
that the owner of the file can read,
write and execute this file.
Other users can only read and execute the
The size of the file
(in characters)
is printed to the left of the
date that the file was last modified,
ie. the date on which the file was last changed.
.H 2 "How to Change the Mode of Your Files"
To change the mode of a file or directory
is almost as simple as adding a few numbers.
If you consider the following codes to
represent all of the permissions for each
you just add the required codes,
then pass this as an argument to a command
called 'chmod'.
The codes are:-

	owner read permission~~~~~~400
	owner write permission~~~~~200
	owner execute permission~~~100
	other read permission~~~~~~~~4
	other write permission~~~~~~~2
	other execute permission~~~~~1

As an example,
suppose that you would like a file called
"test" to be read-write-execute by you
(the owner),
and read-execute by others.
Adding the appropriate codes you get

	400 + 200 + 100 + 4 + 1 = 705

So to change the mode of the file called
"test" you type

	% chmod 705 test

If you now type 

	% ls -l

you will see that "test" has the required mode.
.H 2 "Procedure Files"
A procedure file is a file
which contains commands
which are to be executed
as they would if you typed
the commands in manually.
As an example,
assume that "cleanup" contains the following

	% cat cleanup
	rm temp junk
	ls -l

then if you type

	% sh cleanup

it will have the effect of removing
"temp" and "junk"
and then giving you an "ls~-l".
In this way you have created a command
for yourself,
except that you have to type in "sh"
in front if it.
To avoid having to explicitly
invoke 'sh' to execute the file,
there is a way in which you can tell
the shell to execute this procedure
file merely by typing its name.
If you type

	% chmod 700 cleanup

the system is told that the file "cleanup" is
to become executable.
So now whenever you type

	% cleanup

it will do the same function
as it did earlier.
Now "cleanup" has become a command,
which can be executed like any other command
described so far.
As with other commands,
this also can have arguments.
In any procedure file you can
refer to the first argument as
"$1", the second as "$2", etc.
You can use these arguments
in any way that you wish,
either as files,
as commands,
or as other arguments to other commands.
As an example the following procedure
file will run the command given to
it as the first argument,
then pack the next two arguments

	% cat run
	$1		(execute the first argument as a command)
	pack $2 $3	(pack the next two arguments)

For example,
if you typed in

	% run ls fred junk

it will execute 'ls',
ie. give you a listing of your files.
It will then pack "fred" and "junk".
Again before executing this procedure
file you must indicate to the system
that the file is to be executable
by typing

	% chmod 700 run

Don't call any of your procedure file
the same name as any system command.
If you do, confusion will surely arise.
This is because when the shell looks for the program to execute your command,
it looks firstly at your files and if it can't find it there, it
looks in a special library of system commands.
Hence, if you called a file 'pr', this means that the shell would always execute
this file instead of the command 'pr'.
If your file did a 'rm' of its argument, this would be disastrous!
.H 2 "UNIX as a Servant"
When you log in,
it would be convenient if
a set of commands were executed
to do such things as,
changing the erase character to
backspace (set).
This can be done be having
a file called ".profile",
which is just a procedure file
which contains a set of commands
to be executed upon login.
The file must be executable
(ie. type in 'chmod 700 .profile').
.H 2 "Directories"
A 'directory' is a special type of file.
A directory is,
if you like,
a filing cabinet,
in which you can store more
files and/or directories.
Directories are used to keep
everything well ordered.
For example, if you had a project to
simulate a company,
then it would be wise to
create a directory which contains
all of the necessary programs,
data, etc.
to be used on the project.
In this way you can keep
several projects
with all their relevant data
stored in separate directories.
To create a directory you type

	% mkdir proj

and you will create a directory
with the name "proj".
Typing in 'ls' now will produce a listing
of all your files and the directory
you have just created.
But how can you use this directory?
If you type

	% cd proj

you will now be in the directory "proj"
('cd' stands for change directory).
All that has happened is that you have moved
from where you were,
to the directory "proj".
Typing 'ls' will produce the following

	% ls

which indicates that you have no
files or directories here.
You can go and create more files
or directories here as you would
Let's assume that you had just
created a file called "temp"
in this directory.
To see what is in the file you
just type 'cat temp'
To get back to the directory
directly above the one you are
in now you type
	% cd ..
The directory above "proj"
is your initial directory,
so typing 'ls' will print out all your
old familiar files.
To access a file in "proj",
there are two things you can do.
The first is to change
directory to "proj",
then cat the file.
The second thing you can do
is to type,
for example,

	% cat proj/temp

you will get a listing of the contents
of the file "temp" which is in the directory
In fact whenever you wish
to access any file,
type in the file pathname,
ie. the series of directories
which leads to where the file
For example,
the following


refers to a file called "temp"
which is in
a directory called "bin" which is in
a directory called ".."
(which is the directory above the one
you are currently in).
\&'pwd' will print the name of the current directory.

	% pwd

If this seems a bit mystifying, a diagram may help.
The following diagram represents the structure of directories and
files discussed above.
In this 'tree' representation,
directories have lines descending from them
to other directories or files.
This makes it easy to find what directory any
file or directory belongs to.
This directory is called the 'parent' directory (for that file) and,
in the diagram,
is situated immediately above the file (or directory).
.ne 14
.H 2 "Private Bin\'s"
Most commands on UNIX are programs.
Therefore they must reside in a directory
The command 'ls' is actually '/bin/ls',
and the command 'pp' is actually '/usr/bin/pp'.
When you type in a command,
the shell will look for that command
in your current directory.
If the command is found
it will execute the file.
If the command is not found,
the shell will look for it
in '/bin'.
Again if it finds it there
it will execute it.
If it is not there it
will look in '/usr/bin' and
execute the command if it found it.
If if does not find it in any
of these directories the shell
will print the message

	[file]: not found

This is fine for all commands except
your own,
because if you are not in the directory
in which your file resides you
must give a pathname to execute the file.
This can become quite tedious if you have
forgotten where you are, or if
you are many directories away from where
the program lives.
Hence it would be very convenient if you
could have a directory of your own
which the shell searches through to
find the program.
If you create a directory called 'bin'
in your initial directory
(the directory you are placed in
upon login),
you can store there any program,
then when you type in a command
the shell will look for the program
in your current directory,
in your 'bin' directory
(which must be in your initial directory),
in '/bin' and then in '/usr/bin',
in that order.
As an example,
if your command "cleanup" was heavily
used in many directories you could
do the following
(assuming that you are in your initial directory)

	% mkdir bin		(make a directory called 'bin')
	% mv cleanup bin/cleanup	(put "cleanup" in directory 'bin')

then whenever you wish to run "cleanup" you type

	% cleanup

and your file called "cleanup" in your
directory 'bin' will be executed.
In this way you can create your own
library of commands.
.H 2 "Text Formatting"
Text formatting is the process by which material typed in almost any old
style can be transformed into a document literally ready for printing.
It is fairly straightforward to do and all the work is done by the
command 'nroff'.
The text has various commands (such as take a new paragraph) inserted in it.
For all the juicier details,
consult the section in this manual on "UNIX Document Processing".
.H 2 "What Else?"
The programs and utilities discussed so far
have been concerned with the editing
and formatting of files of text.
For other activities like "number-crunching"
or statistical analysis
different programs must be used.
For these activities the system supports
two statistical packages.
IDA is orientated to the beginner and analysis of managerial problems.
BMD is orientated to the 'normal' analysis of data and is better for
larger projects.
the MANECON package.
This is a collection of programs for analysing problems under uncertainty.
programming languages.
The main languages are
.AL 1
basicp - a version of Basic Plus.
watbol - a student orientated compiler for COBOL.
f4p - a highly optimised FORTRAN IV compiler.
watfor - a student orientated FORTRAN IV compiler.
pascal - a high level language for easy programming.
C - an efficent high level language.
Other more esoteric languages like LISP, SNOBOL, MODULA and BC are also available.
Most documentation for the above programs is available in the "AGSM System Guide".
The rest is obtainable from system staff.