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.th ALPS I Jan/79
.sh NAME
alps \*- algebraic linear programming system
.bd alps
file ...
.bd Alps
takes the concatenation of
.bd file
(or standard input if
.bd file
is missing)
to be a description file of a linear programming
Having analysed the
.bd problem
.bd specification
it invokes an algorithm which seeks solution bases and
performs post-solution analysis.
The following list of keywords will give the flavour of
the problem specificaton.
.lp +16 12
basis	Defines initial soloution basis.
.lp +16 12
bounds	Used to declare bounds on variables.
.lp +16 12
constraints	Specification of problem constraints.
.lp +16 12
form	Specifies input form.
.lp +16 12
from	Alternative file inclusion.
.lp +16 12
maximise	Indicates that objective function is to maximised.
.lp +16 12
minimise	Indicates that objective function is to minimised.
.lp +16 12
variables	Necessary to declare variables used.
.sh "SEE ALSO"
LP Tutorial.
Syntax errors flagged from YACC based analysis of problem specification.
Semantic errors flagged from algorithms themselves.
.sh BUGS
Please report them to the yeti
(an avalanche is expected!).
.sh YETI
Adrian Freed (AGSM, UNSW)