
Find at most related files.
including files from this version of Unix.

.th CP I 2/8/75
.sh  NAME
cp \*- copy
.bd cp
file1 file2
first file is copied onto the second.
The mode and owner of the target file
are preserved if it already
existed; the mode of the source file
is used otherwise.
.it file2
is a directory, then the target 
file is a file in that directory with the file-name
.it file1.
.mc |
Note that it would be impossible to copy a locked file to another
locked file since only one locked file is allowed per process.
You can however copy a locked file to a new file and it will retain
the locking mode.
It is forbidden to copy a file onto itself.
.sh "SEE ALSO"
.mc |
cat (I), copy (I), cpall (I), pr (I), mv (I), mvall (I), locking(II)
.sh BUGS