
Find at most related files.
including files from this version of Unix.

.th CPIO I 5/11/77
.tr ~
.sh NAME
cpio \*- copy file archives in and out
.bd cpio
.bd cpio
\fB\*-i\fR[\fBdrtuv\fR] [ pattern ]
.bd cpio
\fB\*-p\fR[\fBdlruv\fR] [ pattern ] directory
.it "Cpio \*-o"
(copy out)
reads the standard input for a list of pathnames
and copies those files onto the
standard output
together with pathname and status information.
.it "Cpio \*-i"
(copy in)
extracts from the
standard input, which is the product of a previous
.it ``cpio\ \-o'',
files whose names are selected by a
.it pattern
given in the name-generating syntax of
.it sh\^\c
.it pattern
meta-characters `?', `*', `[...]' will match `/' characters.
.it pattern
argument defaults to "*".
.it "Cpio \*-p"
(pass) copies
out and in
in a single operation.
Destination pathnames are interpreted relative to the named
.it directory.
The options are:
.lp 15 5
.bd d	\c
.it Directories
are to be created as needed.
.lp 15 5
.bd r	\c
.it rename
If the user types a null line, the
file is skipped.
.lp 15 5
.bd t	\c
Print a
.it "table of contents"
of the input.
No files are created.
.lp 15 5
.bd u	\c
.it unconditionally
(normally, an older file will not replace a newer file with the same name).
.lp 15 5
.bd v	\c
.it Verbose:
causes a list of file
names to be printed.
When used with
.bd t
the table of contents looks like an ``ls \*-l'' (see \fIls\fP\^(I)).
.lp 15 5
.bd l	\c
Whenever possible, link files rather than copying them.
Usable only with
.bd \*-p
.lp 15 5
.bd m	\c
Retain previous file modified time (only for the super-user).
The first example below copies the contents of a directory
into an archive;
the second duplicates a directory hierarchy:
 	ls \*v cpio \*-o >/dev/mt0
	chdir olddir
	find \fB.\fP \*-print \*v cpio \*-pdl newdir
.sh "SEE ALSO"
ar(I), cpio(V)
.sh BUGS
Path names are restricted to 128 characters.
If there are too many unique linked files,
the program runs out of
memory to keep track of them
and subsequent linking information is lost.
.tr ~~