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.pl 12i
.th GCAT I " July 4th 1978 "
.sh NAME
 gcat  - concatenate and graph.
gcat [-][-b][-p][-sn][-cn] file.....
 GCAT  reads the named files and writes them on to standard
output. If the files are "graphics files" (eg. generated
by a "program.out>plot.g" or "program.out^tee plot.g")
then the results are properly plotted.
.ti +5
GCAT operates exactly like "cat" ,
and pipes to GCAT are possible, also if the file 
argument is non-graphics, it is printed normally.
There are presently five options available;
.lp +6 5
-    Will map all occurances of "newpage" into a "control bell".
This is handy if many plots have to be viewed on top of
each other,but is only needed for the tektronics terminals.
.ti -5
-b   will execute the minus option and will stop plotting
when any "control bell" is encountered (thus the translated
"newpages" are included). This is mainly useful for inserting
breakpoints into a program so that pen changes etc can take
place. (In fortran it is a simple matter to insert possible 
breakpoint ; a "call bell" or "newpage" will suffice.)
A "BREAK ?" will be sent to the terminal that called
GCAT, and the plot will not resume until the
"call" button on the plotter is pressed. If the "-p"
option is not used, then a "return" from the terminal
will restart plotting.
Note also that the page size on the plotter can be altered at
will during breaks.
.ti -5
-p   Automaticaly directs
output to "/dev/plotter".
.ti -5
-sn  Skips 'n' control bells (hence newpages) before plotting
begins. Only the minus option is invoked with it.
.ti -5
-cn  Resets the character size to a scale of 'n' when compared
to the default value. This can ONLY be used on the hard copy plotter
and does not work on the Tektronics. 'n' can be any real value.
.sp 2
.ti +5
If one wanted all files starting with "p" to be graphed on the
plotter with breaks, then
gcat -p -b p*
would suffice.
To skip past preliminary alpha output and start plotting
at the first newpage, then
gcat -s1 plot.g
Which may be used in conjunction with breaks;
gcat -s1 -b plot.g
Or pipe a program directly to the plotter with breaks,
prog.out^gcat -b -p
If the file cannot be found it will tell you so.
If standard ouput is not a device it will warn
you but write on to it anyway.
If the program
swears at you , it has developed a bug and the author
should be contacted.
.sh BUGS
Richard Grevis