
Find at most related files.
including files from this version of Unix.

.th ICAT I 30/4/79
.sh NAME
icat \*- concatenate and print expanding includes along the way
.bd icat
file ...
.it Icat
reads each file in sequence
and writes it on the standard output.
Lines containing the sequence `#include' followed by a file name,
enclosed in either double quotes or angle brackets are replaced by
the contents of the appropriate file.
Names enclosed in angle brackets ("<...>") are looked up in the directory
"/usr/include"; names in double quotes are searched for in the normal place.
.bd "   icat file"
prints the file, and
.bd "   icat file1 file2 >file3"
concatenates the first two files and places the result on the third
with "include" files interpolated.
If no input file is given,
.it icat
reads from the standard
input file.
.sh "SEE ALSO"
pr(I), cp(I), cat(I)
if a file cannot be opened,
or a syntax error in an include line.
.sh BUGS
.bd "icat\ x\ y\ >x"
.bd "icat\ x\ y\ >y"
cause strange results.
The syntax of the "#include" is not that of either C or Pascal
(they are mutually exclusive).