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.th LIBR  I 6/24/77
.sh NAME
Libr \*- Librarian for F4P, Macro-11 and Linker
.bd libr
libfile -s1 arg11 ... arg1n -s2 ... -sn .... argnn
.bd libr
.it Libr
is  the  counterpart of ar and nar, but for Fortran,  Macro-11,
and Linker.  It is used to build and  maintain  libraries  to  be
used  with  Linker.  An object module in a library is included in
the .out file if and only if it satisfies and  undefined  reference  at  the
time  it  is encountered.  Note that the order of the switches is
important, and that all switches may be abbreviated.
All commands except append require that the file designated
"libfile" already exist. The append command will create the
library file if necessary. The action of
.it libr
is governed by  the
switches,  which  are  interpreted in left-to-right order. If the
second form of the command is used,  the  contents  of  the  file
specified  is taken to be the action control line. The libfile is
overwritten only after the entire command string is executed.
In a library,  all  modules  are  identified  by  their
module  name.   Assembly  language programs get their module name
from a ".title" directive.  In a  Fortran  subprogram,  the  module
name is the name of the subroutine or function it defines.
The  default  extention is ".obj"; if a file name is supplied with
no extention (this means that between the  final  "/"
of the filename [or the beginning of the filename if there are no
"/"s] and the end of the file name, there  exist  no  "."s),  the
file  "file.obj" is assumed; if this file doesn't exist, the original
name itself is then used.
The switches are:
.lp +20 20
-list	list the contents of the library as it currently stands.
.lp +20 20
-append files	Append  the  modules  in  the  named
files to the  library.  Create  the library if it does not exist.
.lp +20 20
-replace files	Replace  the  modules in the library
that are also in  the  named  files with those modules in the files.
.lp +20 20
-delete mods	Delete the  named  modules  from  the library.
.ne 5
.lp +20 20
-insert mod files	Insert  the  modules  in  the  files
before the named module.
.lp +20 20
-compactify	Reclaim unused space in the  library
that   was  freed  by  replace  and
deletes. There is no need  to  execute  this  command, as the "wasted
space" in a library has no relation to the speed of linking.
.lp +20 20
-strip	remove all symbolic information from
the library modules.  Used for  faster  linking  speed in a production
version of a library.  This command does a
.it -compactify
as a side effect.
.lp +20 20
-identity	Supress the printing of the Libr proprietary note.