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.th LINK I 12/17/75
.sh NAME
link \*- fortran linker
.bd link
-flags ... files
The named object files are combined to produce a runnable UNIX module.
The flags are as follows:
.ft I
.lp +9 8
flag	meaning
.ft R
.lp +9 8
-ls	print a load map
.lp +9 8
-no	produce no out file
.lp +9 8
-p1	combine text and data segments.
Make the out file non-shareable.
.lp +9 8
-ns	place no symbol information in the out file
.lp +9 8
-go	place only global symbols in the out file
.lp +9 8
-o=fn	place the out code in the named file.
.lp +9 8
-m=fn	place the load map in the named file. If the
file name is blank, the load map is directed
to the standard output (implies "-ls").
.lp +9 8
-nl	library modules are excluded from the map and 
cross reference.
.lp +9 8
-cr:xxx	A global cross reference is produced on the
listing file. The optional flags (xxx) are:
.lp +17 6
a	symbols in alphabetical order
(default is module order).
.lp +17 6
t	omit symbols used only once.
.lp +17 6
s	omit symbols declared but not
.lp +17 6
f	omit internal fortran-type
.lp +9 8
-id	Set for separate i/d space. Fortran programs
may not be separated.
.mc |
.lp +9 8
-od	The octal debugger program (odt) is linked into the
user program and will start when the program is run.
See ODT(I) when it is written.
.lp +9 8
-ov	select overlay mode.
The first file in the list contains the overlay directives.
The assumed extension is ".odf".
See below.
If no out file is explicitly specified, and -no is not indicated,
the name of the out file is that of the first
object file with the extension ".out".
If no map file is explicitly specified, and -ls is indicated, the name of
the map file is that of the first object file with the extension ".map".
.	If an object file cannot be opened, the extension ".obj"
.	is appended to the file name, and another open is attempted.
.mc |
If the object file cannot be opened with extension ".obj" appended
to the file name, another open is attempted without the extension.
The following
special flags may be mixed with the file names:
.ft I
.lp +9 8
flag	meaning
.ft R
.lp +9 8
-f4	this is an abbreviation for the fortran
library "/lib/f4"
.mc |
.lp +9 8
-l:lib	specifies a name for an object file library.
The default suffix for a library file is ".olb".
The library is searched for in "/lib" and then in "/usr/lib".
.lp +9 8
-fd	The fortran debugger (fdt) is linked into the user program.
This switch must be used before the "-f4" switch.
See FDT(I) when it is written.
.lp +9 8
-i:n	the name is declared as an undefined global.
this is useful for dragging in library
routines at a special place in the out file.
.lp +9 8
-e:n	the name is not considered sufficient grounds
to enter a library module until countered by
an "-i:". It is not clear for what this is useful.
.mc |
{ One possible use occurs when using multiple libraries.
If two libraries each contain a module with the same entry point,
the "-e" switch may be used to stop the module from the first
library from being loaded. }
A fortran compile, load and go with subroutines from before and no error messages:
		fortran main
.mc |
		link main sub1 sub2 sub3 '-i:$short' -f4
.mc |
The overlay facility implemented in this linker is a very simple one.
It is a multi-region arrangement; it is not tree-structured.
On entry to an overlayed program, the system attempts to find the the
associated program file, first checking the current directory,
and then "/usr/bin".
Each entry point in an overlay segment referenced from
another region has the apparent address of the entry point
changed so that on a call to the routine,
the overlay handler is entered instead.
The overlay handler checks whether the segment containing
the required routine is in memory or not;
if not, the segment is read into memory from the program file
before continuing execution at the actual entry point.
An overlay structure may be specified to link by means
of an overlay descriptor file (odf). The presence of an odf is
indicated by the switch -ov; in this case, the odf must be the
first filename mentioned in the command.
e.g.  link -ov -p1 odfname otherfiles libraries -f4
The overlay scheme (based upon RT-11's) is a multi-region arrangement;
it is not tree-structured.
The overlay descriptor file:
.lp +5 3
1.	Tabs and blanks around filenames are ignored completely.
Empty lines are also ignored.
.lp +5 3
2.	The first line must contain only the string ".root".
.lp +5 3
3.	A segment (i.e. a group of routines which are to be
simultaneously resident in a region) is specified by
connecting the filenames with hyphens.
.lp +5 3
4.	A line containing only the string ".region" specifies
the start of a new region.
.lp +5 3
5.	The last line must contain only the string ".end".
.lp +5 3
6.	The only valid characters for use in filenames in
the odf are `a'-`z', `A'-`Z', `0'-`9', `.' and `_'.
.lp +5 3
7.	The root region must contain only one segment.
.lp +5 3
9.	If any of these rules is violated,
the message "bad overlay descriptor file." appears and the link is terminated.

This example specifies five segments:
.lp +10 9
segment	contains:
.lp +10 5
0	mainprog, sub1 and sub2 - this is the root segment.
Also contains modules loaded from libraries etc.
.lp +10 5
1	sub3 and sub4
.lp +10 5
2	sub5, sub6, sub7 and sub8
.lp +10 5
3	sub9 and sub10
.lp +10 5
4	sub11, sub12 and sub13
and three regions:
.lp +10 9
region	contains:
.lp +10 5
0	segment 0 - this is the root region
.lp +10 5
1	either segment 1 or 2
.lp +10 5
2	either segment 3 or 4
.lp +5 3
1.	There is no logical limit to the number of regions or segments.
.lp +5 3
2.	A routine may not call routines in a different
segment of the same region.
so in the above example,
assuming that each file contains a subroutine of the same name:
.in +3
mainprog, sub1 & sub2 may call any routine;
sub4 may call sub1, sub2, sub3, sub9, sub10, sub11, sub12 or sub13.
Depending upon the language, sub4 may even call itself.
.lp +5 3
3.	When an overlayed program is executed, the load file must be in
either the current directory or "/usr/bin".
If the overlay handler cannot open the program file the message
"Can't open overlay file" appears and the run is terminated.
.lp +5 3
4.	If an error occurs in reading from the program file,
the message "Fatal overlay disk error" appears and the run is terminated.
.lp +5 3
5.	The overlay area in memory is actually at the bottom of
the BSS area.
The overlay segments are stored at the end of the program file,
after the symbol table;
this means that the symbol table shouldn't be removed from
the program file with the `strip' command as the overlay segments
will be removed also; it is necessary to use the "-ns" switch
at link time.
.lp +5 3
6.	Common blocks are forced into the root segment;
this means that they are never overlayed and so retain their
integrity throughout the program's execution.
.lp +5 3
7.	Variables in routines which are overlayed will be reset to
their initial values each time the overlay segment containing
them has to be read into memory again
(i.e. because another segment was loaded in the meantime).
If a variable is required to retain its current
value it should be placed in a common block.
.sh BUGS
To do anything smarter such as tree structured overlays the
linker would probably need a complete rewrite.
The linker is still capable of producing a core dump if
it encounters a corrupted object file.
The linker has noticed strange psect attributes in some object files;
this is caused by strange defaults in some macro assemblers.
Some error messages get split between file descriptor 1 and 2.