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.th LINK I 12/17/75
.sh NAME
link \*- fortran linker
.bd link
-flags ... files
The named object files are combined to produce a runnable UNIX module.
The flags are as follows:
.ft I
.lp +9 8
flag	meaning
.ft R
.lp +9 8
-ls	print a load map
.lp +9 8
-no	produce no out file
.lp +9 8
-p1	combine text and data segments.
Make the out file non-shareable.
.lp +9 8
-ns	place no symbol information in the out file
.lp +9 8
-go	place only global symbols in the out file
.lp +9 8
-o=fn	place the out code in the named file.
.lp +9 8
-m=fn	place the load map in the named file. If the
file name is blank, the load map is directed
to the standard output (implies "-ls").
.lp +9 8
-nl	library modules are excluded from the map and 
cross reference.
.lp +9 8
-cr:xxx	A global cross reference is produced on the
listing file. The optional flags (xxx) are:
.lp +17 8
a	symbols in alphabetical order
(default is module order).
.lp +17 8
t	omit symbols used only once.
.lp +17 8
s	omit symbols declared but not
.lp +17 8
f	omit internal fortran-type
.lp +9 8
-id	Set for separate i/d space. Fortran programs
may not be separated.
If no out file is explicitly specified, and -no is not indicated, the
name of the out file is that of the first object file with the extension ".out" .
If no map file is explicitly specified, and -ls is indicated, the name of
the map file is that of the first object file with the extension ".map".
If an object file cannot be opened, the extension ".obj"
is appended to the file name, and another open is attempted. The following
special flags may be mixed with the file names:
.ft I
.lp +9 8
flag	meaning
.ft R
.lp +9 8
-f4	this is an abbreviation for the fortran
library "/lib/f4"
.lp +9 8
-i:n	the name is declared as an undefined global.
this is useful for dragging in library
routines at a special place in the out file.
.lp +9 8
-e:n	the name is not considered sufficient grounds
to enter a library module until countered by
an "-i:". It is not clear what this is useful
A fortran compile, load and go with subroutines from before and no error messages:
		fortran main
		link main sub1 sub2 sub3 "-i:$short" -f4
.sh BUGS