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.th LKED I "March 1979"
.sh NAME
lked \*- produce shared read/write text a.out's
.bd lked
id file1 [args] [files] [libraries]
.it Lked
produces shared-data a.outs. The shared region is the text segment
.it file1.
All other segments in
.it files
and in modules extracted from
.it libraries
are placed in the non-shared segment. All segments are Read/Write.
.it Id
is an unique character which will identify the shared region when it
is in core. Thus different programs intending to use the shared region
must have the same
.it id.
.it Args
can be any valid flags for ld(I) except
.it -s,
as all arguments to lked from
.it args
onwards are passed to an invocation of ld.
.it libraries
can be ld specifications, such as
.it -lc.
The output of
.it lked
is always in the file
.bd a.out.
.sh "SEE ALSO"
.sh BUGS
Programs intending to use shared regions, should ensure that the
regions in the several files define a region which is equivalent
to all the other files. No protection against this kind of error
is provided by the system, and the system will happily install the
first invocation of the id. As execution of the process begins at
address 0 (in the shared region), the first instructions of
the source for
.it file1
should be
.in +5
.ta +8 +8
	jmp	start
start:	jsr	pc,_main
	...	/shared region continues
.in -5
to ensure that execution begins as planned.