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.th LPQ I 1/8/79
.sh NAME
lpq \*- spool area enquiry
.bd lpq
[ -flags ]
.it Lpq
lists the jobs waiting in the spool area for printing by the local
printer. Its behavior may be modified by the following flags.
.lp +11 10
.ft I
flag    meaning
.ft R
.lp +11 10
.lp +11 10
.lp +11 10
-\fB2\fR	Selects the printer for which the listing is to apply
(0 is the default).
.lp +11 10
-\fBa\fR	Normally only jobs owned by you are listed, this flag
causes all jobs to be shown.
.lp +11 10
-\fBr\fR	this allows the selected removal of jobs from the queue.
The listing produced indicates the order in which the jobs will be printed
on the printer in question.
If the '\fBr\fR' flag has been specified and there are jobs present that
you are capable of deleting (mortals may only delete the jobs that they
originally sent to be printed) the prompt "Delete:" will appear.
The valid response to this is a comma separated list of numbers
or something of the form "n\ -\ m" which indicates
a range of numbers.
The listing contains
.lp +11 10
Job number	this is the number which is used to identify a particular
job when deleting it.
.lp +11 10
.lp +11 10
Time	time of day when the job was sent to the printer.
.lp +11 10
Owner	the login name of the owner.
.lp +11 10
Banner	the banner that will be printed on that job.
.lp +11 10
Size	the approximate size in pages.
.lp +11 10
.lp +22 10
NULL	ignore this job
.lp +22 10
unix	spooled from unix by lpr
.lp +22 10
cyber	arrived as a remote cyber batch printout
.lp +22 10
batch	arrived from local unix batch
.lp +11 10
tty	if present, specifies the terminal to which the 'lpd finished'
message will be sent
.lp +11 10
message	indicates the message, if any, that will be prepended
to the 'finished' message
.if t .ta 1.2i
.if n .ta 14
/tmp/lpd	spool area
/etc/passwd	password file to get login names
.sh "SEE ALSO"
lpr (I), lpd (VIII)
Perry Brown
.sh BUGS
The program will die and stay dead if the spool area directory ever
grows too large (of the order of 2000 files). If this happens
something will need to be done to bring "." back to a more managable