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.th MAKE I 5/31/77
.sh NAME
make \*- make a program
.bd make
.bd \*-f
] [\c
.bd \*-p\c
] [\c
.bd \*-i\c
] [\c
.bd \*-s\c
] [\c
.bd \*-r\c
] [\c
.bd \*-n\c
] [\c
.bd \*-t\c
] file ...
.it Make
may be used to mechanize program creation and maintenance,
while ensuring that all constituents are current.
A graph of dependencies is specified in the
.it descfile(s).
The standard input will be read if
.bd \*-
is given for
.it descfile.
If no
.bd \*-f
options are present,
the file named
.bd makefile
or, if absent, the file named
.bd Makefile
in the current directory is used.
.bd \*-p
option prints out a version of that graph.
Each file name argument is `made', as described below.
If no such arguments are present, the initial node in the description file is made.
.it descfile
consists of a sequence of entries that describe the
prerequisites and operations for creating an object (usually a file).
The first line of each entry contains the
names of the objects to be made, followed by a colon, optionally followed by a list of other files that must
be available and current in order to remake it.
Text following a semicolon on the first line, and all immediately following lines
that begin with a tab,
are fed to the Shell to make the object.
Each line is fed to a separate instance of the Shell.
All text following a sharp is taken to be a comment.
For example:
.in +5n
pgm: x.o y.o ; cc x.o y.o -lp
	mv a.out pgm     # command to be done
x.o: dcls
.in -5n
.it Make
walks the graph of dependencies.
If a needed object depends on another that is not present or is younger than itself, it is remade.
If an object's name ends in `\fB.\fPo', the description file, and then the current directory,
are searched for a corresponding name ending in `\fB.\fPr', `\fB.\fPf', `\fB.\fPc', `\fB.\fPs',
`\fB.\fPl' (Lex), `\fB.\fPy' (Yacc-C).
(These default rules are not applied if the
.bd \*-r
option is specified).
If such a file is found and is younger than the object, a compilation command is executed.
In the example above,
if `dcls' has been changed since `pgm' was last made, `x.c' will be recompiled
and `pgm' will be reloaded.
Each command line is printed before it is executed
unless the
.bd \*-s
option is specified on the command line or the special name `\fB.\fPSILENT'
appears in the description.
The command lines are printed but not executed if the
.bd \*-n
option is specified.
The date last modified is updated but the commands given are not executed for each file if the
.bd \*-t
option is specified.
(This option is useful when a source change is known to be incremental or benign).
.it Make
examines the
.it exit\^\c
(II) status returned by each executed command.
If the status is non-zero
(i.e., if an error occurred),
.it make
aborts, unless either
(a) the
.bd \*-i
option was specified,
or (b) the command name in the
.it descfile
was prefixed by `\*-'.
.sh "SEE ALSO"
.it "Make \- A Program for Maintaining Computer Programs"
by S. I. Feldman.
No description file argument
Cannot find description file
Syntax error
Don\*at know how to make xxx.
.sh BUGS
Many UNIX commands return random status, which will cause
.it make
assume that the command failed.
In case of trouble, use the
.bd \*-i
option or a minus sign on the command line.