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.th MAS I 1/26/76
.sh NAME
mas \*- Motorola M6800 assembler
.bd mas
name [-l[lname]] [-o[oname]] files
.it Mas
assembles the concatenation of the specified files.
By default (ie. called with no flags) the object file,
in Mikbug loader format, is generated and left in the file
.it "m.out"
and no listing is produced.
Option `-l' without a name generates a listing under the default name
.it "m.lst"
otherwise it will be called
.it lname.
If no name accompanies the `-o' option the object is suppressed
otherwise it will be named
.it oname.
/lib/mas2		pass 2 of the assembler
/tmp/motm?.[0-5]	temporary
m.out			default object
m.lst			default listing
.sh "SEE ALSO"
`Motorola M6800 Microprocessor Programming Manual'.
`UNIX Motorola M6800 Assembler Reference Manual'.
When syntatic or semantic errors occur the line-number
and filename in which it occurred is output with a
self-explanatory description of the error.
Errors in pass 1 cause cancellation of pass 2.
.sh BUGS