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.th PP I 10/1/1979
.sh NAME
pp \*- print administrative information on designated users
.bd pp
[ -pstring ][ -u uids ] [ login-names ]
.bd PP
prints the administrative information
of the given list of login names, and if '-u' is included as a flag
the list is assumed to be user IDs.
If no arguments are given then
.bd pp
will use the login name of the person that executed
the command.
The listing is divided into three sections. They are:
.lp +9 9
LIMITS:	The amount of system resources that may be used by the account
and how much is currently being used. If the limit is
zero, then the account may use any amount of that resource.
An account's disc usage is calculated by
adding two disc units for each file entry
and one unit for each block (512 bytes) of space it consumes.
The number of pages that may be used by the account on the
line printer is three times the printer limit for the
LA-180 (DEC-printer) and ten times that limit for other line printers.
.lp +9 9
STRINGS:	The login name, its initial shell and directory,
and a description of the owner of the account.
.lp +9 9
GENERAL:	The encrypted password, the total time the account
has used the computer,
the time the account was last used,
the groups of terminals the account may log on to,
and other information deemed useful by the establishment.
The '-pstring' argument may be used to direct
.bd pp
to an alternate password file, whose path name is 'string'.
/etc/passwd	password file
.sh "SEE ALSO"
who(I), passwd(I), passwd(V)
\&'Uid does not exist ?!!' and
\&'login name does not exist ?!!' are self-explanatory.
\&'Malformed directory' and
\&'No permission' result when the program could not search
a directory.
Other errors may occur but the diagnostics are usually obvious
and self-explanatory.
Peter Ivanov (UNSW)
.sh BUGS
Won't accept ranges of user IDs.