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.th PRSTOP I 1978
.sh NAME
prstop, restart, repeat \*- line printer control
.bd prstop
.bd restart
.bd repeat
These three commands control
.it lpd
(the LinePrinter Daemon).
.it Lpd
is the program that actually prints
.it lpr
has spooled.
The optional -n (where n is a single digit)
selects which
.it lpd
is to be controlled.
If no -n is supplied then the main
.it lpd
is controlled.
These commands will only work if
the listing currently being output on the
selected printer is owned by
the user invoking them.
.it Prstop
will cancel the current output on the selected printer.
An appropriate message will appear on the output.
.it Restart
will cancel
the current listing and restart the entire listing from the beginning
complete with banner page.
.it Repeat
will cause the listing on the printer to be repeated from the beginning
after the present copy on the printer has completed.
.sh "SEE ALSO"
lpr (I)
.ta 19
Done:	when command has been successful
Bad arg:	when invalid printer specified
No permission:	user does not own job currently printing
Printer inactive:	no output on specified printer
.sh BUGS
Care should be taken that the listing in question does not complete
.it prstop
aborts it.
.it Prstop
aborts the listing currently
the printer and so pressing stop is a good idea.