
Find at most related files.
including files from this version of Unix.

.th PV I 12/4/79
.sh NAME
pv \*- list the users and their perversities
.bd "pv [-sourpanicwdltTx] [pwfile] [louid][..][hiuid]"
.it Pv
lists all the login names found in the password file
in their uid order.  If any of the flags are specified then
extra information will be given about each login name.
Single uids or ranges (open or closed) can be specified.
If no uids are specified
every uid is displayed.  If one uid is specified then only that
number is displayed.
If one uid is given with a number of trailing dots (eg 300..)
the number given specifies a lower bound.
If a range of uids are specified then that
range is displayed.
An alternate password file can pe specified as an argument
.ft I
.lp +15 10
.ft R
.lp +15 10
w	print the users name
.lp +15 10
d	print the users login directory
.lp +15 10
s	print the users initial shell
.lp +15 10
u	print the users uid
.lp +15 10
p	print the users encrypted password
.lp +15 10
a	equivilent to the "-wdsup" flags
.lp +15 10
o	print the information contained in the other field.
.lp +15 10
n	print the number of users on the system
.lp +15 10
i	print users without passwords and without the initial shell
.lp +15 10
c	print the classes the user is in
.lp +15 10
x	print all users without passwords
.lp +15 10
l	list the files in the persons login directory
.lp +15 10
r	with the "l" flag lists all the persons files
.lp +15 10
t	print the terminal groups
.lp +15 10
T	print connect and cpu times
.sh "SEE ALSO"
ls(I)		listing users files
pp(I)		information about users
Usually generated from denied access permissions.
Bryan Palmer
.sh BUGS
The "r" flag tends to get confused if any sub directories parent
isn't "..".
Directories with more than one thousand entries get truncated.