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including files from this version of Unix.

.th RM I 1/20/73
.sh NAME
rm  \*- remove (unlink) files
.bd rm
.bd \*-f
] [
.bd \*-r
] name ...
.it Rm
removes the entries for one or more files from a directory.
If an entry was the last link to the file, the file
is destroyed.
Removal of a file requires write permission in its directory,
but neither read nor write permission on the file itself.
If a file has no write permission,
.it rm
prints the file name and its mode, then
reads a line from the standard input.
If the line begins with \fBy\fR, the file is removed,
otherwise it is not.
The question is not asked if
.bd \-f
was given or if the standard input is not a typewriter.
If a designated file is a directory,
an error comment is printed unless the optional
.bd \*-r
has been used.
In that case,
.it rm
recursively deletes the
entire contents of the specified directory.
To remove directories \fIper se\fR see rmdir(I).
.sh "SEE ALSO"
rmdir (I)
.sh BUGS
.it rm
removes the contents of a directory under the
.bd \*-r
flag, full pathnames are not printed in diagnostics.