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.th RUNAT I 1/6/79
.sh NAME
runat  \*-  execute a command at a specified time
.bd runat
[day] [month] [date] hour:minute[:second] [year] : command
.bd runat
+minutes : command
.it Runat
runs the given command at the specified time.
Times are specified in the form:
Fri Jun 1 9:53:14 1979.
Most of the arguments may be omitted, the current
date, month, and year being assumed.
The arguments may be specified in any order
and may be composed of upper or lower
case letters. Only the first three characters of the day (of the week)
and month are significant, thus "jan", "February", "SUN", are all
.it Runat
also knows about "tomorrow", "am", and "pm".
.it runat
has a single argument "+x" where x is an integer, the
command will be run x minutes from the current time.
runat fri 5:00 pm : acommand
runat January 1 17:00 1980 : acommand
runat tomorrow 4:00 : acommand
runat +8 : acommand
.sh "SEE ALSO"
alarm (I)
Michael Rourke (UNSW)
.sh BUGS
.it Runat
will not wait longer than 136 years.