.th SLP I 1977
.sh NAME
slp \*- set printer characteristics
.bd slp
[ n ] [ option ... ]
.it Slp
sets certain parameters for a line printer or printer/plotter.
The default device is '/dev/lp', but if a digit
.it n
0-9 is specified, the device becomes '/dev/lp\fin\fR'.
.it n
is '+', then standard output is assumed instead.
If no options are specified, the current settings are reported.
The options are:
.lp +10 10
\fBhalf\fR half ascii translation required.
.lp +10 10
\fBtrns\fR same as "half".
.lp +10 10
\fBfull\fR full ascii device. no translation.
.lp +10 10
\fB-trns\fR same as "full".
.lp +10 10
\fBcdc\fR special cdc printer skips used.
.lp +10 10
\fBskip\fR same as "cdc".
.lp +10 10
\fB-cdc\fR not a cdc printer.
.lp +10 10
\fBdec\fR same as "-cdc"
.lp +10 10
\fB-skip\fR same as "-cdc".
.lp +10 10
\fBfeed\fR always take form- & line-feeds.
.lp +10 10
\fB-feed\fR ignore form- & line-feeds when they occur on
top of a new page.
.lp +10 10
\fBeject\fR take page ejects after last line on page.
.lp +10 10
\fB-eject\fR don't eject page after last line on page.
.lp +10 10
\fBflush\fR flush output queued up for printer.
All further writes to printer will fail.
.lp +10 10
\fB-flush\fR turn off flush mode.
.lp +10 10
\fB6lpi\fR set internal parameters for printing at six lines per inch.
.lp +10 10
\fB8lpi\fR set internal parameters for printing at eight lines per inch.
.lp +10 10
\fBlength\fI nnnnn\fR
set page length to
.it nnnnn
.lp +10 10
\fBwidth\fI nnn\fR set page width to
.it nnn