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.th CHECKVOCAB VII 77/9/28
.sh NAME
checkvocab - check the words used in a text file by reporting those not included in a dictionary or a supplementary file
.it checkvocab
This is a shell procedure which is used to check the spelling 
of words in a text file. It was written primarily because "spell"
was not available. The words in a text file are isolated, "usorted" and then looked up
in a dictionary stored in a compressed format.
Any words not found in the 
dictionary are written to a file called
.it filename.doubt.
This file is displayed using "mc" and is not removed.
If a file called
.it filename.words
.it filename.doubt
is culled before printing of any words the two files have in common.
This feature allows one to keep a private supplement of special words which
are not in the dictionary.
The characters ``-'', ``_'', ``.'' and ``'''are taken as alphabetic
if preceded and succeeded by genuinely alphabetic characters. Thus
"e.g." will give rise to "e.g" rather than "e" and "g" in the list of doubtful words.
Upper case alphabetics are all translated to lower case as you would expect.
.sh "SEE ALSO"
spell(I), typo(I)
J. Lions, UNSW, September '77
.sh BUGS
should not contain more than 12 characters.