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.th TYPE I "12 Jan 79"
.sh NAME
type  \*-  enter-text program for typists
.bd type
.bd \*-a
.bd \*-b
.bd \*-c
.bd \*-l
line\-size ][
.bd \*-m
auto\-adjust size ] file
.it Type
is designed to assist typists enter documents
into the file system (possibly for later \fInroff\fBing).
If the named file is already present, text is added to the end
of it, otherwise the file is created.
.it Type
automatically splits the input text lines
on the first blank or tab beyond the line size
(default 40 characters). Thus the typist need not worry about
typing the carriage\*-returns.
The line is also broken after the punctuation characters `.', `:',
`;', `!' and `?'.
If no blanks or tabs (or returns!)
are entered by column
position "line-size + auto-adjust size", the word being typed is
moved to the start of the next line.
Trailing blanks and tabs are removed from the lines.
The options, which may appear in any order, are:
.lp +24 22
\fI-a\fB	Suppress the auto-adjust facility.
.lp +24 22
\fI-b\fB	Rings the bell for every character typed beyond
character position "line-size".
.lp +24 22
\fI-c\fB	Allows entry of control-characters, which normally
ring the bell and are ignored.
.lp +24 22
\fI-l\fB line-size	Changes the line-size from the default (40)
to line-size (30\ <=\ size\ <=\ 140).
.lp +24 22
\fI-m\fB auto-adjust size	Changes the number of characters allowed
after column "line-size" before the auto-adjust occurs
(1\ <=\ adjust\ <=\ 20).
The default is 8.
The program uses backspace and `@' as its erase and kill characters,
respectively. When `@' is typed, the current line is cleared. When
the backspace is typed, the immediately preceding character is deleted.
If this character was a tab,
the cursor is adjusted to appear in the correct position.
The `@' may be erased, causing the line-portion that was cleared
to reappear. If the `@' must be entered, it may be escaped
by a `\\'. The `@' will overwrite the `\\'.
Similarly, if `\\' must be entered, it may be escaped
by a `\\', and will overwrite it.
.it type
is invoked, and ready to accept input text, it signals "Go ahead".
This is necessary, as the terminal is put into raw-mode for input.
.it Type
therefore works best on a lightly loaded machine.
The following three control\*-characters are understood by
.it type,
and may appear anywhere on the line being entered.
.lp +16 12
\fI^e\fB	Invokes the editor \fIem\fB in `elfic' mode,
to allow editing of the file being typed.  Upon quitting
the editor, the message "Go ahead" indicates that you may continue
adding text to the end of the file.
.lp +16 12
\fI^l\fB	Indicates that the current line is not to be
broken if it exceeds the line\*-length, or at punctuation marks.
This is useful for entering long\*-lines.  The line is terminated
by a carriage\*-return.
Lines with trailing blanks or tabs may also be entered in this manner.
.lp +16 12
\fI^d\fB	Exits from
.it type.
.sh "SEE ALSO"
em (I)	(`o' and `b' commands)