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.th ACCESS II 29/6/88
.sh NAME
access \*- get access permission on file
(access = 33.; not in assembler)
.ft B
sys access; name; mode
access(name, mode)
char *name;
int mode;
.ft R
.it Name
points to a null-terminated string naming
a file;
.it mode
specifies the type of access required,
and can be formed by any combination of the following:
.lp 20 +8
04	read permission
.lp 20 +8
02	write permission
.lp 20 +8
01	execute permission
It is unnecessary to have any
permissions at all with respect to the file, but all directories
leading to the file must be searchable.
.sh "SEE ALSO"
ls (I), stat (II), fs (V)
Error bit (c-bit)
is set if access is denied.
From C, a \*-1 return indicates access denied.