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.th CHMOD II 12/15/74
.sh NAME
chmod \*- change mode of file
(chmod = 15.)
.ft B
sys chmod; name; mode
chmod(name, mode)
char *name;
.ft R
The file whose name
is given as the null-terminated string pointed to by
.it name
has its mode changed to
.it mode.
Modes are constructed by ORing together some
combination of the following:
.lp +10 7
4000	set user ID on execution
.lp +10 7
.mc |
2000	make file a locking type
.lp +10 7
1000	save text image after execution
.lp +10 7
0400	read by owner
.lp +10 7
0200	write by owner
.lp +10 7
0100	execute (search on directory) by owner
.lp +10 7
.mc |
0010	together with bit 02000, turns on autolocking for this file
.lp +10 7
0007	read, write, execute (search) by others
Only the owner of a file (or the super-user) may change the mode.
Only the super-user can set the 1000 mode.
.mc |
This does not affect the modification date of a file.
.sh "SEE ALSO"
chmod (I), locking(II)
Error bit
(c-bit) set if
.it name
cannot be found or if current user
is neither the owner of the file nor the super-user.
From C, a \*-1 returned value indicates an
error, 0 indicates success.