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.th LIMITS II "Mar 78"
.sh NAME
limits \*- return or set limits structure
(limits = 60.)
.ft B
sys limits; addr; function
limits(addr, function)
struct lnode *addr;
int function;
.ft R
This system call manipulates the AUSAM in\*-core limits structure
according to the function value.
.lp +10 9
Function	Meaning
.lp +10 9
0	The user's own limits structure is returned at address
.bd addr\c
.lp +10 9
1	The limits structure associated with uid passed in the limits
structure at address
.bd addr
is returned at
.bd addr\c
.lp +10 9
2	All active limits structures are returned into the array of
limits structures starting at address
.bd addr\c
, which should be large enough to contain them.
.lp +10 9
3	Allocates and initializes a limits structure with the structure
passed at address
.bd addr\c
This call is restricted to the super user.
Any other function is illegal, and will return an error of EINVAL.
The call returns the number of limits structures returned (in r0).
.sh "SEE ALSO"
/usr/include/lnode.h        declares a limits structure
ENOLIM can be returned by functions 0 and 1 to indicate that
the desired limits structure does not exist.
ENOROOTLIM is returned by an attempt to establish
a limits structure with a uid of 0.
ETOOMANYU is returned if there is no space left in the in\*-core
limits table.
ELIMEXIST is returned if the limits structure already exists for
the desired uid in function 3.
From C, all errors cause a \*-1 to be returned.