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.th CTIME III 10/15/73
.sh NAME
ctime, ijtime, localtime  \*-  convert date and time to ASCII
.ft B
char *ctime(tvec)
long tvec;
.ft R
[from Fortran]
.ft B
double precision ctime
... = ctime(dummy)
char *ijtime()
int *localtime(tvec)
long tvec;
.it Ctime
converts a time in the long int
.it tvec
such as returned by time (II)
into ASCII
and returns a pointer to a
character string
in the form
    Sun Sep 16 01:03:52 1973\\n\\0
All the fields have constant width.
.it Ijtime
returns a character string similar to the above,
giving the present system time.
.it localtime
entry returns a pointer to an integer vector containing
the broken-down time.
The value is a pointer
to an array whose components are
.lp +5 5
0	seconds
.lp +5 5
1	minutes
.lp +5 5
2	hours
.lp +5 5
3	day of the month (1-31)
.lp +5 5
4	month (0-11)
.lp +5 5
5	year \*- 1900
.lp +5 5
6	day of the week (Sunday = 0)
.lp +5 5
7	day of the year (0-365)
.lp +5 5
8	Daylight Saving Time flag if non-zero
A routine named
.it ctime
is also available from Fortran.
Actually it more resembles the
.it time
(II) system entry in that it returns the number of seconds
since the epoch
0000 GMT Jan. 1, 1970
(as a floating-point number).
.sh "SEE ALSO"
Ian Johnstone
(University of New South Wales)
.sh BUGS