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.th pwedit VI 13/2/78
.sh NAME
pwedit \*- manipulate the password file
.ft B
pwedit [ - [ n ] [ m ] [ u ] [ c ] [ x ] [ t\fIstring\fB ]
		[ p\fIstring\fB ] [ filename ]
.ft R
.bd Pwedit
is an interactive editor used to create and maintain the password
file under the modified accounting and resource management system (AUSAM)
used at the AGSM and the Universities of N.S.W. and Sydney.
.bd Pwedit
is normally invoked with no arguments
and may be given one of four commands to begin editing.
These are:
.lp +10 8
add	used to add a new password entry.
.lp +10 8
delete	used to remove an existing password entry.
.lp +10 8
change	used to alter an existing password entry, including the variable
length strings section.
The old entry is deleted and a new entry created.
.lp +10 8
update	used to alter an existing password entry, excluding the
variable length strings section.
The complete entry is not rewritten.
Giving a command causes the program to prompt, for data identifying the
password entry, as follows:
.lp +12 10
"uid="	requests the decimal uid of the user.
.lp +12 10
"lname="	requests the users login name.
Both requested items should be terminated by a carriage return,
and the login name must be enclosed in double quotes.
For all commands except
.bd delete
an "elfic" mode editor is created to manipulate the entry
to be added, updated or changed.
When the editor exits,
.bd pwedit
accepts the modified data and alters the password file accordingly.
The action of control flags and arguments will now be discussed in detail.
.ft I
.lp +10 8
key	meaning
.ft R
.lp +10 8
\fBn\fR	causes passwords not to be encrypted for additions.
This flag should be used when rebuilding the password file after garbage collection
so that passwords are not doubly encrypted.
.lp +10 8
\fBm\fR	causes the home directory specified in an additions to be created,
and its owner changed to the new user.
.lp +10 8
\fBu\fR	allows uids not within the sites uid range to be specified for additions.
This flag should be used when rebuilding the password file after
garbage collection so that uids like root are not transposed.
.lp +10 8
\fBc\fR	causes explanatory comments to be added to
the editor temporary files and "\fB-x\fR" option output.
.lp +10 8
\fBx\fR	causes the entire contents of the password file
to be decoded and placed on standard output.
This option is used to copy the password entries
before the password file is recreated to remove garbage which accumulates
from changes or deletions.
.lp +10 8
\fBt\fIstring\fR	\fIstring\fR is used as the
filename (in /usr/lib/pwe/[tplts] [dflts])
from which templates and defaults are to be taken
for additions.
.lp +10 8
\fBp\fIstring\fR	\fIstring\fR is used as the name for an alternate password file.
The optional filename argument implies that input entries
should be taken from this file.
As the password file will grow
as entries are changed, added and deleted, it should be compacted (garbage
collected) periodically.
Any garbage, if not collected,
will not slow password routine execution times and collection need only
be done for the sake of file size.
To compact the password file, follow the procedure below:
.lp +9 5
1)	ensure that the system is in single user mode
and is quiescent so that nothing will be modifying the password file.
.lp +9 5
2)	type "pwedit -x > a_file" to extract all valid entries
.lp +9 5
3)	use the "pwcreat" program to clear and reinitialise the
password file. This program creates the initial null hash tables and uid tables.
.lp +9 5
4)	type "pwedit -n -u a_file" to reconstruct all valid password entries.
Pwedit will print an error message at the
end of the file.
The item number in this message is one more than the total
number of users in the password file.
There exists a version of pwedit called "pwconv" used in
changing from the original Level 6 UNIX
password file to the AUSAM equivalent.
The only difference between the two versions is that pwconv
accepts a stripped down entry specification as input
when reading from a file.
The exact form of the entry required is obvious from the code
in the "getce" routine of "pwconv.c"
/tmp/pweaXXXXX		elfic editor input
/tmp/eXXXXX		elfic editor temporary
/usr/lib/pwe/tplts/*	template files
/usr/lib/pwe/dflts/*	default files
In /usr/lib/pwe/[tplts] or [dflts]
default			the default template or default file
.sh "SEE ALSO"
pwconv.c, pwcreat.c, pp.c, password accessing routines document.
Largely self explanatory.
Peter Ivanov, Dept. Computing Science, U.N.S.W.
.sh BUGS
Yes, a few non-fatal but annoying ones. They will be fixed, eventually.