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.th AC VIII 28/3/78
.sh NAME
ac \*- unix accounting
.bd ac
[ [[-]f...] ... ] [ name ]
.it Ac
produces statistics derived from the "wtmp" administrative file.
The many options are invoked as above,
where the minus,
(\ and spaces between flags\ ),
are not necessary,
.bd f
can be any of:-
.lp +18 10
I	read
.it wtmp
from standard input
.lp +18 10
P	specify alternate password file
.lp +18 10
	(expects next argument to be file name)
.lp +18 10
d	details by day (\ default month\ )
.lp +18 10
e	give statistics averaged weekly
.lp +18 10
f	use form feeds
.lp +18 10
h	give statistics averaged over 24 hours
.lp +18 10
i	next arg is individual to be accounted
.lp +18 10
	(\ only one allowed\ )
.lp +18 10
l	next arg is number of working days lost
.lp +18 10
	(\ don't use with flag 'd'!\ )
.lp +18 10
n	suppress warnings
.lp +18 10
o	assume
.it wtmp
produced by
.it cnvtwtmp
.lp +18 10
p	details of people
.lp +18 10
s	details of system
.lp +18 10
t	details of ttys
.lp +18 10
u	tty usage profile
.lp +18 10
w	specify alternate
.it wtmp
.lp +18 10
	(expects next argument to be file name)
.lp +18 10
Q	dont remember users names
if the
.bd p
option is specified,
there are also flags to select the sort order:-
.lp +18 10
C	sort by
.it cpu
.lp +18 10
L	sort by logged time
.lp +18 10
N	sort by login name (\ default\ )
.lp +18 10
S	sort by logons
.lp +18 10
U	sort by user
.it id
The default (for root) is
.sp 1
.bd "	ac nsP /etc/passwd w /usr/adm/wtmp"
.sp 1
which will produce a monthly system summary from the start of the
.it wtmp
file to the current time.
Other users will get their individual account.
But please note:
elided flags requiring names are order dependant,
.sp 1
.bd "	ac wPi wtmp passwd john"
.sp 1
is the only legal order;
.bd I
.bd w.
The accounting file /usr/adm/wtmp is maintained by
.it init
.it getty
and other administrative programs.
If it doesn't exist,
no accounting will be done.
To start accounting,
it should be created with length 0.
On the other hand,
if the file is left undisturbed,
it will grow without bound
(\ approximately 32 bytes per login\ ),
so periodically any information should be collected and the file truncated.
.sh "SEE ALSO"
who (I),
wtmp (V),
init (VIII), getty (VIII), cnvtwtmp (VIII), AUSAM (VIII)
Any irregularities in the
flags will be noted on file 2.
Any irregularities in the
.it wtmp
file will also be noted on file 2,
unless the flag
.bd n
is used.
Piers Lauder (\ University of Sydney\ ).
.sh BUGS
Working days lost is a crudely implemented conception, warning - the value
is applied for each month!