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.th DF VIII 1/20/73
.sh NAME
df \*- disk free
.bd df
.bd -i
] [ filesystem ] ...
.it Df
prints out the number of free blocks
available on a file system.
If the file system is unspecified,
the file system that the invoker is
currently on is used.
The optional
.bd -i
flag causes
.it df
to print out the number
of free inodes on the given file systems,
followed by the number of free blocks.
The file system names may be abreviated.
.it Df
will prepend a standard prefix, which is system-dependent,
and try to open this.
If the open fails, the original argument is tried.
If this fails,
.it df
prints out a message and moves on to the next argument.
.sh "SEE ALSO"
chk (VIII)