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.th DTP VIII 25/2/78
.sh NAME
dtp  \*-  handle copying to and from magtape on a file name basis
.bd dtp
[ key ] [ name ... ]
.it Dtp
copies files between magtape and the filesystem.
After files have been selected for dumping
a tape directory is written,
followed by the files selected.
The tape blocksize used is 16Kb.
.it Dtp
can dump an unlimited number of files to tape,
the only restriction being that the sum of the sizes
of the files dumped cannot exceed 33.5 megabytes.
This is not too big a limitation since fitting more than this on a
single 2400 ft tape is not easy.
Its actions are controlled by the
.it key
The key is a string of characters containing
at most one function letter and possibly
one or more function modifiers.
Other arguments to the command are file or directory
names specifying which files are to be dumped, restored,
or listed.
In all cases, appearance of a directory name refers to
the files and (recursively) subdirectories of that directory.
The function portion of
the key is specified by one of the following letters:
.lp +8 4
\fBn\fR	The named files
are written
on the tape.
If no file argument is given, `\fB.\fR' is the default.
.lp +8 4
\fBx\fR	extracts the named files from the tape to the file system.
The owner, mode and modification date are restored.
If no file argument is given, the entire contents of the
tape are extracted.
.lp +8 4
\fBl\fR	lists the names of the specified files.
If no file argument is given,
the entire contents of the tape is listed.
The following characters may be used in addition to the letter
which selects the function desired.
.lp +10 6
\fB0,1\fR	This
modifier selects the drive on which the tape is mounted.
`0' is the default.
.lp +10 6
\fBm,h\fR	This
modifier selects the density at which the tape is written,
800 bpi is specified by `m' and 1600 bpi is specified by `h'.
`m' is the default.
.lp +10 6
\fBf\fRnnnn	This
modifier gives tape length in feet.
.it Dtp
when creating a new tape calculates length of tape
if tape too small no attempt is made to copy any files to tape.
`2400' is default.
.lp +10 6
\fBs\fR[hhh]	This
modifier enables the selective file copying facilities of
.it dtp
- selection criterion being time of last modification.
If `hhh' is specified then all files modified in last `hhh' hours
will be copied to tape,
otherwise `last-dump-time' is consulted and updated. All files
modified since the time contained therein are copied to tape.
.lp +10 6
\fBu\fR	This modifier causes
current time to be written to `last-dump-time'
for use via
.it s
next time a tape is created.
This facility enables incremental dump tapes to be easily produced.
.lp +10 6
\fBc\fR	This modifier enables
creation of directories where necessary when extracting files
whose complete pathname does not exist.
.lp +10 6
\fBv\fR	Normally
.it dtp
does its work silently.
.bd v
option causes it to type the name of each file it treats
preceded by the function letter.
With the
.bd l
.bd v
gives more information about the
tape entries than just the name.
.lp +10 6
\fBi\fR	Errors reading and writing the
tape are noted, but no action is taken.
Normally, errors cause a return to the command level.
.lp +10 6
\fBq\fR	causes
.it dtp
to pause before treating each file, type
the indicative letter and the file name (as with v)
and await the user's response.
.bd y
means `yes', so the file is treated.
Null response
means `no', and the file does not take part
in whatever is being done.
.bd x
means `exit';
.it dtp
command terminates immediately.
In the
.bd x
files previously asked about
have been extracted already.
.bd n
no change has been made to the tape.
.lp +10 6
\fB\&.\fR	causes even files whose names begin with `.' to be
dumped to the tape. Normally these are not dumped so that very large files
will not clutter up an incremental dump, and so that students are encouraged
to keep their files out in the open.
.lp +10 6
\fBt\fR	This option allows the user to change the name of
.it dtp's
temporary file. The next argument is used instead. This is mostly useful
when disks are almost full and there is insufficient room for the
directory file on the '/tmp' disk.
/dev/rmt[01]                 800 bpi magtape
/dev/rht[01]                1600 bpi magtape
/tmp/temp.dtp.nnnnn         temporary file
Ian Johnstone (AGSM - University of NSW)
Several; the non-obvious one is
`Phase error \fIx\fR', which means the file changed after it was selected for
dumping but before it was dumped.
The char \fIx\fR indicates the problem thus:
.lp +10 6
O	The file could not be opened for dumping.
.lp +10 6
R	There were read errors when reading the file.
.lp +10 6
S	The file was shorter when dumped. (It will be padded with nulls)
.lp +10 6
B	The file became bigger before dumping. (It is truncated in dump)
.sh BUGS
A single file with several links to it is treated like several files.
Maximum pathname length is only 114 characters.
.sh "SEE ALSO"
dtp (V), ht (IV)