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.th EVICT VIII 20/2/79
.sh NAME
evict \*- evict users at terminals
evict ttys [ wait [ lname ] ]
"ttys" is a string of tty identifying letters (from /dev/tty? entries).
"lname" is the account name which is to be allowed to remain
logged on to any of
the target terminals.  This could be a class account in which case class members are
not disturbed.  The default account is nobody.
"wait" is an optional wait time in seconds.  If
specified a warning message is sent to the target terminals and the
eviction suspended for the appropriate number of seconds.

If a person other than allowed by lname is logged on at the target terminal
all his processes receive a signal 'TERMINATE' hotly pursued by a
signal 'KILL'.
Additionally, the password entry corresponding to the owner of these
late processes has its terminal group mask cleared, initial directory
made un-accessable, and 'EVICTED' classmask bit set.
This program has no effect against accounts which have the 'NOEVICT'
flag set.
Account 'root' cannot be evicted.
This program is exec'ed by the 'TERMBOOK' program 'tb'.
'Evict' may only be used by root.
.sh "SEE ALSO"
passwd	(V)	tb (1)
Yes, explicit.
Graham R. Smith	U.N.S.W.