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.th MKACC VIII 3/3/79
.sh NAME
mkacc \*- interactive account creater
.bd mkacc
class [ -o ][ -c ]
.bd Mkacc
creates user accounts and initial directories using data obtained
from class account templates,
interactively or from a file.
If input originates from a terminal,
.bd mkacc
prompts for a new "login name".
If the login name does not yet exist, further information is requested,
namely the users "family name" and users "other names".
If the account already exists,
.bd mkacc
asks whether you require the class mask bits altered to reflect
the additional class.
The flags have the following meanings:
.lp +6 4
flag	meaning
.lp +6 4
\fB\*-c\fR	assume answer 'yes' to "shall I change" question
in non interactive mode.
.lp +6 4
\fB\*-o\fR	ask for additional information for the 'other' field of the password
If 'pw_cmask[CMASKSIZE-1]&01', it is assumed that the entire class mask
should be cleared before setting the new class bit.
This is useful for end of year/session cleanups, where setting the top
class bit marks all those users who should go.
As new users are added, duplicates automatically become normal users again
and those users left really must go.
Data accepted from a file must be on separate lines, as with interactive
/usr/lib/pwe/tplts		where the class templates live
/etc/passwd			the pasword file
/usr/include/classincludes.h	the include file which include the templates
.sh "SEE ALSO"
adjust(VIII), pp(I), passwd(V).
All self explanitory.
Peter Ivanov, University of New South Wales.
.sh BUGS
Two real ones.
.bd Mkacc
is not very sensible about wrong multiples of lines from a file as input.
Imagine the troubles if you invoked 'mkacc ACLASS -o -c' and forgot to
check that each new user was specified by FOUR lines of data.
Second bug is that the class templates are compiled in, not read when needed.
This leads to an overly complicated class template, a large amount of
initialised data in
.bd mkacc,
and the need to recompile
.bd mkacc
every time changes are made to included files such as 'class.h'.
This will be fixed in due course.