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.th RESTACC VIII 7/7/79
.sh NAME
restacc \*- restore files
.bd restacc
[ pathname ]
.bd Restacc
will copy a directory tree specified in a line of the file whose pathname
is 'pathname' (default '/user3/EECF-Maint/accounts/filist').
When invoked,
.bd restacc
prompts (if input is not from a file) for a 'login name'.
The login name supplied is found in the file mentioned above.
The file contains lines of the form
	loginname /restoration/pathname/...
where '/restoration/pathname' is the full pathname of
the root directory where all files for user 'loginname'
to be restored may be found.
Using this information
.bd restacc
copies the file system tree with root node 'restoration/pathname'
to the new root directory of user 'loginname'.
The owner of all copied files is set to 'loginname' and the user
is 'mail'ed that the restoration has taken place.
/user3/EECF-Maint/accounts/filist	the list of people and paths
.sh "SEE ALSO"
mkacc(VIII), adjust(VIII), pp(I), passwd(V), copy(I), mail(I), chown(I).
Self explanatory.
Peter Ivanov, University of New South Wales.
.sh BUGS
Only those of its subcontractors.