
Find at most related files.
including files from this version of Unix.

.th RMTREE VI 8/23/77
.sh NAME
rmtree \*- remove a subtree of the file system
.bd rmtree
.bd \-acfsv\c
directory ...
.it Rmtree
can be used to quicky remove subtrees of the file system.
As this is a potentially disastrous action,
.it rmtree
will ask for confirmation of each removal, unless the standard
input is not a teletype.
Flags interpreted by
.it rmtree
.lp +7 6
\fB\-a\fP	Remove the final directory.
.lp +7 6
\fB\-c\fP	\fIChmod\fP encountered directories so as to be able
to remove files in them if they are not writeable.
.lp +7 6
\fB\-f\fP	Don't ask for confirmation.
.lp +7 6
\fB\-s\fP	Ask for confirmation.
.lp +7 6
\fB\-v\fP	Do not remove the directory itself, only its contents
and the contents of its contents, etc.
Also don't unlink quota files.
Options and arguments may be mixed in any order.
The default options are
.bd \-a
.bd \-s.
.sh "SEE ALSO"
find (I), rm (I)
Kurt Shoens (UC Berkley)
.sh BUGS
This program is almost too dangerous to exist.
It should be used with great caution.