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.th UMOUNT VIII 10/31/73
.sh NAME
umount \*- dismount file system
.bd /etc/umount
special|rootdir [special|rootdir] ...
.it Umount
announces to the system that the removable file system previously
mounted on special file \fIspecial\fR,
or whose root directory was \fIrootdir\fR,
is to be removed.
.sh "SEE ALSO"
mount (VIII), umount (II), mtab (V)
/etc/mtab	mounted device table
It complains if
the special file is not mounted or if it is busy,
or if the \fIrootdir\fR was not really the rotot of a
mounted filesystem.
The file system is busy if
there is an open file on it or if
someone has his current directory there.
\fIUmount\fR also complains
if the umount was successful but there was no corresponding entry
in \fImtab\fR.
.sh BUGS