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From 7881606 Fri Jul 13 17:57:37 1979
To peter ivanov, (or failing that almost anyone)

	I have tried to fix plot (the graph drawer) up a bit

	Most of the known bugs have been eradicated and
	the list below are now implemented features.

	* The <eod> feature is now implemented in the input
	  stream. When this symbol is encountered It behaves like
	  EOF except the input file is not switched elsewhere.
	  Thus any plot may come from a single file or pipe etc

	* Simple Histograms are now producable and the width of the
	  histogram is changable by the following syntax:
		plot histogram by 2.5	(etc)
	  The umpteen variations on the histogram format are not
	  yet implemented. Points within the histogram box are correctly

	* The format of the numbers on the axes is standard C format
	  with syntax:
		xaxis format "%6.5f"	(etc)

	Problems and other sundry glitches are:

	Plot will not run in separate I/D because of some dark
	secret lex will not reveal. (you will find plot is a BIG program)

	Cubic splines cannot be done on data.
	This should be done elsewhere however.

	Only linear scales are supported. LOg scaling poses ennnnooorrrrmmmooouusss
	problems in deciding the best thing to do. It will stuff up the
	auto scaler anyway.

	If the people that wanted histograms are still around it will
	probably serve their dolphins (purposes).
		See ian (Johnstone) if not totally disgusted about
		getting it.

			Richard grevis.