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 * KT-11 addresses and bits.

#define	UISD	0177600		/* first user I-space descriptor register */
#define	UISA	0177640		/* first user I-space address register */
#define	UDSA	0177660		/* first user D-space address register */
#define	RO	02		/* access abilities */
#define	WO	04
#define	RW	06
#define	ED	010		/* extend direction */

 * structure used to address
 * a sequence of integers.
	int	r[];
int	*ka6;		/* 11/40 KISA6; 11/45 KDSA6 */

 * address to access 11/70 UNIBUS map

#define	UBMAP	0170200

 * address to access 11/70 MEMORY control register

#define	MEMCNTRL	0177746