
Find at most related files.
including files from this version of Unix.

The basic organization of these directories is as in the
version 6 distribution. Source that is not currently in use generally
lives in 'other' or 'unused' directories.

All our changes to the basic system are documented in the new include file
'defines.h' which is produced with rmcom from 'defines.????' where ???? is
the appropriate site. (agsm elec sydu etc)


conf		As in the distributed system. Also contains source of sysld and

ken		As distributed.

dmr		Device drivers etc. Subdirectory unused has more.

sysdump		Contains the sources et al. of a system core dump analyzer.
		It understands all of our modifications to the
		system. Just compile it as in its directions and you are away!
		A fantastic tool for analysing system crashes.

other		Stuff not relevant to the normal standard system.

The following files contain things that are different...


binit.h		Code for function binit. See BIG_UNIX modification.

cinit.h		Ditto for cinit.

cp_inc		Procedure file for keeping '/usr/include' up to date.

defines.agsm	Definitions for agsm system.

defines.h	Stripped version of above.

estabur.h	As for binit.

g		A convenient way to search the source. (Does a grep)

iinit.h		As for binit.

lista		Produces a full listing of the system.

param.agsm	Parameters for agsm system.

param.h		Stripped version of above.

relat		Tells the relationships between files. If you change tty.h (say)
		then relat tty.h will give you the things that must be compiled.
		(It's by no means exhaustive)

rmcom		A program for removing comments from c source. When run on
		the defines file, it speeds up compilations of the system by
		10-20 % (Disk dependent)

run		Make a system for the agsm computer.

sources.relat	Used by relat procedure.

z.h		Used by lista.

					Good Luck

					Ian J