
Find at most related files.
including files from this version of Unix.

This directory contains only the stuff Ianj uses to make his system. The
more major modifications cannot be found here (BIG_UNIX etc). For these
you must look in directory 'other' or 'notused' (I am not sure of the rule).
READ_ME's abound....

c.hp0		Agsm configuration. Changes here too.

l70.s		Needed for m70.s. Understands 70s and 45s better.

m70.s		Handles 1170 much better. Parity, stack limit, CPU error
		all understood.

mk		Make a 70 system.

notused		Like it says. Interesting though.

other		Mostly debugging stuff. Have a look.

powerf.s	Dummy power failure handler.

powerf.s-new	This almost recovers from power failures most times.
		All it needs is a bit of work so that power failures in
		interrupts do the right thing...

source		Directory of sources. (sysfix sysld)

sysfix		This sysfix has slightly more. (Details and Diagnostics)